Chapter 2

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     I ran through the streets of hakabara, tears in my eyes. I slow down, and try to take my mind off of it by looking at different sights. Different people were undergoing the normal activity. A ranch owner, one of the wealthiest people in town, was watching pleasantly as his workers farmed snowberries and tended to the unicorns and Pegasi that were in the barn. The town blacksmith was hammering away, obviously making a sword. I knew him, as we were good friends. I call him.

      "Ay', Rocky!" He stops, and waves at me, jogging over.

      "Got any new work for me?", I ask. I often lend him free help, just to be a good friend.

      "No, but I do have somethin' for you.", he responded, "I found this stone at the outskirts, and I thought you might know what it is." I stared in awe at the so-called "stone".

      "Do you know what this is man?! It's a dr- LOOK OUT!!!!", I scream. We jump down just as a crimson flash soars past us.

      " What was that?!", Rocky panted, brushing himself off. Just as he did, we both jumped as flames erupted from the very spot the stone was found.

We both looked at each other, and at the same time said, "Let's get the others."

      We dashed towards town square, equipment bags packed to the brim with various metal objects. When we  got to the meeting place, there was literally nobody in the entire restaurant.

      "That's... odd", I thought, beginning to slide my fingers along the markings on the stone, mainly habit of being in thought. Rocky turned to me.

      "Sure is... No one is here, not in the entire city..." I stopped in my tracks.

      "What?" He turned again, not seeming bothered. "You did said this is odd, didn't you?" I was sure it was only a thought, but I just nodded, telling Him I must've been thinking out loud. He shrugged, then grabbed something off of the table.

      "Hey, come read this." I didn't even read it all before running off.  Written in gold ink was the word...... DRAGON

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