Chapter 18: A Christmas to Remember

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Immediately after the game, once Professor McGonagall had made sure that Harry did not need to be seen by Madam Pomfrey, he, Hermione, Ron, and I were sitting in Hagrid's hut. The gamekeeper gave us tea and offered rock cakes (which I accepted, but hid in my pocket without eating).

The conversation quickly turned, however, to what had happened to Harry.

Hermione announced to the group that Snape had jinxed Harry's broom.

"Snape? How do you know?" Harry asked.

"Please, yeh can't possibly believe tha' Snape cursed 'Arry's broom! He's a professor! Besides, 'arry was using one of them old school brooms. Maybe somethin' was wrong wid it."Hagrid interjected.

"But Snape was muttering under his breath and had his eyes locked on Harry. We saw it with our own eyes!" I jumped into the conversation.

Hermione spoke again. "I've read about jinxes! You have to maintain eye contact. Snape. Wasn't. Blinking!"

"He's up to something, Hagrid! We know it!" Ron jumped in now.


"Then why did he try to get past that three-headed dog on Halloween?" Harry said incredulously.

"Harry!" I hissed. No one was supposed to know that we had seen it!

I'd hoped that Hagrid hadn't paid much attention to Harry's comment, but of course, my wish was not granted.

He froze and his eyes widened as he asked, "how do you four know about Fluffy?"

"Fluffy?" We all sad in unison, shocked by Hagrid's statement.

"Yeah, Fluffy. I bought 'im off a Greek fellow I met down in the Hog's Head, the pub in Hogsmeade."

"But Hagrid, what is he doing in Hogwarts?" Hermione asked.

"Well, Professor Dumbledore asked teh use 'im teh guard the -"

"To guard what?!" Harry interrupted, eager to hear what Hagrid was going to say next.

"Er, nothing. I shouldn't be sayin' anythin' abou' this anyway. It's secret."

"Yes but Hagrid, whatever it's guarding, Snape's trying to steal it!"

"Ron's right! His leg was all bloody and he was limping badly! Harry saw it! Tell him, Harry!" My turn now, and I pass the baton to my brother.

"On Halloween, he let the troll in as a diversion, so he could try to get past Fluffy! Snape is trying to steal what the dog is guarding."

Hagrid was exasperated by now, trying to end the conversation.

"Listen here, you four. No matter how yeh feel 'bout Professor Snape, he is a Hogwarts Professor! He would not try to kill a student. Just forget 'bout 'im, Fluffy, and what he's guarding. After all, tha's between Dumbledore and Nicolas Flamel." With a huff, he finished his rant.

"Aha!" Harry called out. "So someone named 'Nicolas Flamel' is involved!"

Hagrid looked absolutely furious with himself. He muttered under his breath, "I shouldn't have said that."


The days quickly passed as November faded away to December. Christmas was rapidly approaching, and everyone in the castle was holding their breath, counting the days until break. Harry, Ron, Hermione, and I (Oh, who am I kidding? Mostly Hermione and I) spent quite a bit of the past few weeks trying to find out who Nicholas Flamel was.

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