Chapter 14: A New Life

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After the Sorting, Professor Dumbledore gave a pretty weird, four-word speech. But, to be perfectly honest, I was so busy watching the food magically appear on the table that I didn't even notice.

Everyone started to fill their plates, Harry and I included. After all, it was the first time in my memory that I was allowed to have a full meal, with no one telling me what to eat or how much... or how little, that is.

After stuffing myself with baked chicken, rice, mashed potatoes and gravy, the deserts arrived. With wide eyes, I gasped as boxes of ice cream appear in front of me, and piles of every sweet imaginable. I honestly didn't even think that I could eat anything else, but I was wrong.

Finally though, I had to call it quits after I finished my treacle tart, jelly donuts, and vanilla ice cream.

I barely felt in control of my body as I walked up the stairs with the other Gryffindors. Ron's older brother Percy, who was apparently a Prefect, led us to our dormitories. We met the portrait of the Fat Lady (rude nickname, in my opinion; note to self, find out her real name) and Percy gave her the password (note to self, remember Caput Draconis; weird, but okay). Her portrait swung open and we walked through the opening.

I was suddenly wide awake as I gasped in shock. The crackling fireplace and comfortable chairs, on top of the warm colors made this such a cozy room. I heard the other first year girls squeal in delight while Percy spoke over everyone, "First year girls, up the stairs and to the right; boys, to the left."

We bounded up the staircase, suddenly full of energy, and found a door with a gold plaque that read:

First Year Girls:
Where dwell the brace at heart

I pushed open the door and we all rushed inside, surprised to find that our trunks had already been put at the foot of our four-poster beds. There was even a perch next to my bed, where Comet had been patiently waiting for my return.

Rushing over to her, I called out "Yes!" when I saw that my bed was right next to a bay window (with a seat, I might add), until I realized that all five beds had windows next to them. Everyone laughed and we started organizing our belongings.

I opened my wardrobe and let out an "Oh, my God!" Everyone rushed to open theirs and began to chatter excitedly, yelling "Merlin's beard!" Third note to self: learn more wizarding expressions. Jeez, I'm going to need a journal just for these notes!

Anyway, back to the wardrobe. Inside was a red bathrobe with gold trim. Pulling it out, I saw my name stitched in gold, with the Gryffindor symbol. I pulled it on and shouted "It fits me perfectly!"

"They must have gotten the measurements from Madame Malkin!" Hermione added.

Looking back in the wardrobe, I saw a matching towel, lion slippers that roared with each step, and a gold nightgown with a pair of matching pajamas (a shirt and pants) with little lions that run around. I took off the robe and changed into my nightgown and slippers, copying the other girls.

I opened my trunk and hung my clothes neatly in the wardrobe, placing my shoes on the bottom, before sorting my books on the shelf built into the bay window seat. I decided to leave my cauldron, quills, parchment, and other supplies in my trunk, to make my life easier.

Finally, all that was left to put away was my old baby blanket and my locket. After tucking the blanket into a hidden pocket of my trunk, I reached down and pulled out the locket. Running my fingers over its smooth surface, I made a decision. I pulled my hair out of the way and reached backwards to clasp the chain around my neck. I let the locket rest against my heart, rising and falling in time with my chest. I swore to myself that I'd never take it off. Now that I was at Hogwarts, my connection to my parents was stronger than ever, and I intended to keep it that way.

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