Chapter 4: Family Values

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The next few days passed without incident. Harry was so scared that he'd get me in trouble again that he was walking on eggshells. Of course, I didn't blame him; I was always on edge when it came to the Dursleys. It just breaks my heart that he has to be careful too.

I always stepped in front of him. I always took the fall if it meant that he wouldn't get hurt. I didn't know what else to do. I couldn't bare the thought of those monsters hurting him anymore than they already have. Of course, I'm not always successful.

I never cry. Well, almost never. Harry getting hurt, especially when it was my fault or if I couldn't stop it, was just about the only thing that could make me cry. I had to learn to be tough. Being the older sibling (barely, but still), I had to be strong for him. Also, as a girl, especially a girl in this household, I had to be tough. If I wasn't, they'd break me. At least, they'd try to.

Some girls wear makeup as a mask to hide behind. As for me, my shield, my armor, was the fact that I had to set an example for Harry. God knows that our Aunt and Uncle aren't teaching either of us anything worthwhile.

Of course, I never wanted him to think that it was okay to throw himself in front of everyone he meets. He just needed to know that you should protect the ones you love, because your family, whether or not you are related by blood, is all you have in the end.

By family, I never meant the Dursleys. I meant people who will look out for you if you are hurt or sick. Someone who would give you advice and a shoulder to cry on. Someone who loves you, like I love Harry.

That's why, for example, I always gave Harry more food than me. If I got a meal, no matter how small, I always gave some to him. Usually, I tried to give him more than half, but he fought back, sometimes forcing me to split it evenly.

A small, whispered argument usually followed, but he almost always gave in. Only when he saw that I desperately needed to eat would he refuse to let me share.

I always put him first, before me, because I wanted to show him that someone in this world cares about him. He'd always been more sensitive and emotional than me, probably because I'd always been his rock. He needed to understand that I loved him and that I always would, regardless of what the Dursleys said or thought about him.

Because if anyone tried to break that beautiful boy's spirit, they'd have to face me. And if anyone, anyone at all, tried to take Harry from me, they'd have to pry him from my cold, dead hands.

Because I would die for him. I would give up every last thing on this planet if it meant that I could keep Harry safe.

Hey, sorry that this chapter is so short, or if it's a little boring! I wanted to include this insight into Elizabeth's thoughts, but didn't want that to be overshadowed by scenes in the story. Know what I mean?

Plus, I was afraid that the plot was moving a little to fast, since the fight was only in the second chapter. Don't worry though, I'm going to start writing Chapter 5 right now!

Also, I'm sorry if parts of this sounded a little sexist. I am a girl and have nothing against women, makeup, etc. I just felt that, as an abused girl, Elizabeth would feel like that.

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