"I can't believe you Natsu!" the guild members turned towards the guild doors at the sound of Erza yelling at Natsu.

"I'm sorry! I just wanted to know what it did!" Natsu yelled.

"Well now you know don't you?"

"I guess they're back." Mira giggled as she heard the pair of voices get closer to the guild.

"Is it me or do they sound different?" Lucy asked.

"They do sound different." Levy agreed with her.

"Wonder what it could be?" Mira tilted her head slightly.

"What ever it is were about to find out." Gray said as he stripped off his shirt.

The guild waited in anticipation as the guild doors slowly opened. They all had their own ideas for why the two sounded different but no one was remotely close. All their jaws dropped when the doors opened completely revealing Natsu and Erza. But it wasn't the Natsu and Erza they were expecting. Erza wasn't standing tall with long flowing hair while wearing her standard armor. And Natsu didn't have a strong muscular body covered by a vest and waist coat. No Erza was small and pouting with her hair braided while wearing cheap looking armor. Natsu looked small and fragile and was wearing a red shirt and yellow shorts.

"They're-they're-they're kids!" the guild shouted in unison.

"How did this happen?"

"Is this a joke?"

"Your no longer a man?"

"They're adorable!" Mira shouted out causing everyone to quiet and stare at her. "What? They are."

"Unhand me!" Erza shouted as Mira picked her and Natsu up. "Natsu, stop smiling!"

"Erza's scary." Natsu said as he hugged closer to Mira.

"Awwww he's acting the same way when we were kids." Mira looked down at Natsu.

"Will you act your age Natsu?" Erza wiggled out of Mira's grasp.

"I am acting my age Er-za." Natsu said in a child like manner.

"Your real age!" Erza reached up and pulled him away from Mira much to her dismay.

"I don't wanna." Natsu said as he ran away from her, unlike Erza, Natsu seemed to be enjoying the turn of events.

"Why you, get back here!" Erza chased after him.

The rest of the guild broke out in laughter watching the now young Natsu and Erza running around. 'Am I the only one that's still curious as to why their kids.' Lucy sweat dropped at the guilds ability to brush things off.

"You two brats get over!" Makarov shouted at the two causing them to stop in their tracks.

"Yes master!" they both shouted as they ran up to him.

"Now do you want to explain how this happened?"

"It's Natsu's fault." Erza pointed at Natsu.

"I said I was sorry."

"I asked how this happened not who caused it."

"He sounds like a father scolding his kids." Mira giggled.

"We were at a clients house collecting our reward when Natsu touched something I told him not to touch." Erza glared at Natsu.

"What was it?" Makarov questioned.

"It was a magical hourglass. When I went to take it away from him he flipped it over activating it. And now were children." Erza explained the short version.

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