Chapter 68: All Mine

Start from the beginning

The younger girl looked down at her feet and glared back at Amber playfully. "Hey! I like these slippers. I think they're cute!" she retorted. On top of being her honest opinion, this was the footwear that Krystal had been wearing when she snuck out hotel room earlier, and subsequently the only footwear she had available for this music video shoot.

"And what about your shirt?" Amber asked.

"What about it?" Krystal shot back, looking down at the white and red t-shirt she had recently purchased for Amber. Again, since Krystal had not taken much with her when she left her hotel room, her wardrobe options were limited to the contents of Amber's suitcase. "You said you liked this when I gave it to you."

"I do like it," the older girl agreed. "But wearing your secret girlfriend's clothing in public? I find it suspicious that you're not embarrassed by that either. Do you really know what it means to be embarrassed, Jung Soojung?" Amber asked cheekily.

Krystal's smirked and narrowed her glare dangerously. She slowly approached Amber in her Minnie Mouse slippers so that their faces were mere inches apart. In her most dangerous voice, she asked the older girl, "Are you trying to mess with me, Amber Josephine Liu?"

Amber leaned forward and placed a quick and fearless kiss on Krystal's lips. "Yes I am, but only to bring out that sassy confidence of yours," she smiled triumphantly, seeing that her plan had worked. "Now come on, let's take it again from the top while you're still feeling dangerous!"

Just as Amber had predicted, Krystal's confidence came out best when Amber teased her. Whenever Krystal felt stupid or embarrassed in front of the camera, a verbal poke from Amber brought out her sassy streak again. Before long, Krystal had shown a dozen different sides of herself that Amber was eager to share with their precious MeU. This was not f(x)'s ice princess Krystal Jung. It was bubbly Soojung, sassy Soojung, hair-flipping, finger-pointing, lip-biting, crazy-bouncing, finger-heart-shooting, on-top-of-a-traffic-cone-dancing Jung Soojung in all her glory.

As Amber held Krystal's hands while they spun in a circle with the camera between them, Amber was awestruck by how radiant Krystal looked on video. Krystal was smiling brightly for their music video, but Amber couldn't help but arrogantly think, even as the younger girl stared directly into the camera lens, that Krystal was really smiling brightly just for her. Whenever Amber thought of Krystal like this, Amber felt like she was selfishly stealing Krystal away from the rest of the world. The young woman before her was not the world's Krystal Jung; she was really Jung Soojung, her Jung Soojung, and the thought made Amber both happy and guilty.

Without warning, Amber dropped the camera and it fell towards the ground, catching on the strap around Amber's arm until it dangled back and forth between them.

"What are you doing?" Krystal wondered with a curious smile, lowering her hands which were still clasped with Amber's. The older girl answered her question by pulling Krystal toward her and gently pressing her lips against Krystal's in a kiss. Startled, the younger girl pulled back at first. But the surprise quickly melted into affection and they both leaned fully into a second kiss. It was sweet and heated and more intense than was safe for them in public even though they were alone in an empty parking garage save for the disinterested security guard that was fighting off sleep in the background.

When they broke the kiss at last, a breathless Krystal pulled away and rested her head in the crook of Amber's neck.

"Seriously, what are you doing?" Krystal asked with a gentle smile.

Amber said nothing and held Krystal close. She loved Krystal with all her heart. Without a doubt, Krystal was the most important person to her in the world. One day she wanted to marry Krystal and to have a family with her, and the thoughts of wanting Krystal were so intense sometimes that Amber couldn't help herself.

What was she doing right now? If Amber were to answer truthfully, she was trying to make Krystal all hers in that moment.

"I just felt like kissing you," Amber responded, not quite lying but not quite revealing the motivation behind her actions just now. "Is that a crime?"

Krystal shook her head. "No, I just didn't realize you loved me so much. I guess I'm pretty special, huh?" she teased.

Amber smiled, not wanting to take the bait and offer Krystal the praise she clearly wanted. After all, mildang was their specialty.

"You? Special?" Amber scoffed nonchalantly. She let go of the younger girl. "Yeah, right."

Still full of sassy confidence, Krystal turned her head for a whisper, letting her breath tickle Amber's ear gently. "You really don't think I'm special?"

Amber flinched and pulled back shyly. She took one look into Krystal's playful glare and was instantly forced to tell the truth, forgetting her plan to mildang. "You're always special," she stammered, much to Krystal's delight.

The younger girl's eyes lit up and she began to jump around happily. "I'm so special! I'm so special!" she sang.

"Not really! Amber shouted back, but it was too late. "Never mind!"

Leading the way back into the hotel, a cheerful Krystal would not let it go that Amber had called her special. And even though Amber had lost in that round of mildang, her heart swelled with love as she watched Krystal teasing her over the "victory", and she decided that she wouldn't have wanted it any other way.

Author's Note: Today's the one year anniversary of All Mine! It's totally a coincidence, but what perfect timing. :)

Sorry for the long gap in updates. Work has been killer lately. >< I'm only 5 chapters from the end though. Not sure when I'll update again, but I won't stop until I'm done. :)

Connections To Reality:

Amber had less than a week to film "All Mine" during SMTOWN LIVE V in Osaka. And her ears were ringing after Krystal yelled into her ear at the start of the video. :)

Amber filmed Krystal's "All Mine" cut at night. Amber working on MV late at night. (at 8:02)

Krystal wore Minnie Mouse slippers during "All Mine":

Krystal wore Amber's t-shirt during "All Mine":

Bubbly Soojung:

Sassy Soojung:

Hair-flipping Soojung:

Finger-pointing Soojung:

Lip-biting Soojung:

Crazy-bouncing Soojung:

Finger-heart-shooting Soojung:

On-top-of-a-traffic-cone-dancing Soojung:

Amber (assumed to be) spinning Krystal while shooting the MV:

Amber called Krystal special. ...and they tried to take it back. :)

All Mine MV released on July 21:

Also, I tried to include this Kryber moment but I just couldn't fit it into the story. Oh well. :( But since it's too good to just ignore completely, please make sure to watch the "Kryber Wedding" moment that happened at the start of the SMTOWN Tokyo on August 13, 2016!

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