Chapter 63: Step

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Following the successful first day of Dimension 4 in Seoul, f(x) held another two performances of their first solo concert. Each day was filled with more smiles, more laugher, and more moments that Krystal wanted to remember for the rest of her life.

Their fans surprised them on the second day by filling the air with periwinkle paper planes as they performed "Airplane" mid-way through the concert. Krystal smiled at the delicate aircrafts that flew across the concert arena, each one adorned the loving feelings of the fan that threw it.

And on day three, f(x) finally gave their fandom its name. Seven years of waiting culminated in an affectionate name that the four members had chosen specifically for the group of people who loved them unconditionally: MeU. The name was sweet enough to make them cringe, and yet Krystal loved the name that much more. f(x) was a group that only came back once a year, making it difficult for them to stay connected with their fans. But their fans were always waiting for them, loyally supporting them, and f(x) was always thankful and longing to see their fans. f(x) and their fans together, Me + U. MeU.

The Korean MeU cheered their hearts out for f(x) on day 3 and Krystal tried to absorb every moment fully. During the encore performances, the MeU thanked f(x) by waving banners with a heartfelt message.

[Thank you for being with us.]

Krystal picked up a banner that had made its way to the stage and smiled fondly at the phrase. Shouldn't it have been f(x) who was thanking fans instead of the other way around?

And at the end of the concert on day 3, with only two days to go until Victoria's birthday, Amber, Luna, and Krystal surprised their Vic-omma by performing "Surprise Party" for her on stage. Krystal held hands with Victoria as they warmly sang for her, congratulating her on her birthday and thanking her for all she had done and would do for them in the years to come. The members smiled and laughed and waved to their fans until the last possible moment before the concert ended.

It was a beautiful night for f(x) and MeU. And the night was only made more beautiful for Krystal when her extended family appeared to congratulate her after the concert ended. Krystal introduced her entire family to Amber. She didn't refer to Amber as her girlfriend, but seeing her relatives treating Amber warmly made Krystal happy.

And true to her mother's word, Mama Jung prepared a family dinner the day after the final concert and invited Amber over to the house. Dinner that night was Korean beef, Krystal's favorite. Krystal, who was still staying at Amber's apartment, had come over early to help her mother prepare side dishes for their meal, and her mouth had literally salivated the entire time while she thought of the delicious Korean beef they would be eating.

Mama Jung was more conversational than Krystal had expected her to be while the two of them prepared the food together. It was almost like time had rewound itself and Krystal had never confessed to her mother that she was attracted to women or that she was in love with Amber. With the way that Mama Jung cheerfully discussed family, fashion, and current events, it was like the relationship between Krystal and her mother had never changed.

And yet Krystal couldn't help but worry that something might be wrong in that cheerful atmosphere. Her mother had promised to try to accept her feelings for Amber, but she hadn't asked a single thing about her relationship with Amber all afternoon. The young girl wondered if her mother's approach was to tolerate the situation rather than try to understand and learn more about their relationship.

"It... it's better than nothing," Krystal told herself as she and her mother began plating the food. She couldn't expect her mother to completely turn around her attitude after weeks of icy disapproval. Even this much effort from her mother was more than she could hope for, and Krystal was grateful for her mother inviting Amber to dinner.

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