Chapter 35: Cash Me Out

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Krystal anxiously looked over Amber's shoulder as the older girl sat in front of her computer. It was a hot day in late May and the couple was hiding in Amber's apartment to get away from the heat. On a whim, Krystal decided to show Amber something she was working on, and she was anxiously waiting for a critique.

"Wow..." Amber said at last after several minutes of reading. "This is really good!"

"You think so?" Krystal asked nervously. The project in question was a story that Krystal had started writing a short while ago, about a month after the she and Amber started dating again. It was a story about them and the early stages of their tumultuous relationship. Even though it had been a difficult time for Krystal, every moment was important and she never wanted to forget what they had been through.

"Your writing style is really, really good," Amber said, finishing the chapter she was on and starting the next.

"Do you really think that, or are you just saying that because I'm your girlfriend?" Krystal asked dubiously. She was proud of her writing, yet at the same time she didn't have much confidence in her abilities.

Amber turned away from the screen and looked at Krystal with a smile. "I'm saying this because I honestly mean it. Your writing is descriptive and powerful, and it really makes me...feel, you know?"

Krystal smiled shyly and nodded. "Thank you," she said, leaning down and kissing Amber's lips gently. The older girl wrapped an arm around Krystal's waist and pulled the younger girl into her lap with a squeal of surprise.

"No, thank you for writing this. Reading it makes me remember a lot of little things that I forgot about us when we started dating. Your story is seriously accurate, almost like a biography." Amber hugged Krystal tightly as the younger girl beamed with pride. Then Amber paused. "...just how far into our relationship is this story gonna go?"

"Uh, I don't know..." Krystal responded slowly. She really hadn't thought that far in advance. "Until I find a good stopping point?"

"Are you gonna write, like... rated R stuff?" the older girl asked nervously.

Krystal turned to face Amber, still wrapped in Amber's arms. She could see Amber blushing and Krystal started to blush as well. "...maybe?"

"Soojung-ah! You can't!"

"Why not?" Krystal asked, her cheeks still warm from embarrassment. "It's not like anyone will know that I'm the author. I'm using a screen name."

"But still!" Amber protested. "It's about us and stuff that actually happened!"

"It's LOOSELY based on us," Krystal argued with a smile. "I might change some stuff around where convenient."

"Yeah, well... what if your readers guess that it's you writing this story?"

Krystal rolled her eyes and the question. "No way. No one's gonna think that a Kpop idol sits around writing fanfics about herself."

"But seriously, what if they guess?" Amber asked rationally. "Never say never. Fans can sniff out the craziest things. Remember when someone saw Changmin-oppa's face in a spoon from Vic-unnie's picture?"

Krystal laughed, remembering the ridiculous but accurate sleuthing from netizens in the past. "Then I'll just deny it," she responded simply. "There's no evidence linking me to this story, so just relax." It was Krystal's turn to pull Amber into a hug, and she saw the immediate calming effect that it had on Amber.

"Well, R-rated stuff aside, this story is really good," Amber said at last.


"Really. I'm probably biased since you're writing me out to be such an awesome person, but I love it." Amber kissed Krystal's nose, eliciting a giggle from her. "I honestly can't wait to see the rest."

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