Chapter 40: Ending Page

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Krystal heard her mom calling for her from downstairs. Her manager, Wongyun, had just arrived at her parents' home and was waiting outside in their van. Krystal wasn't exactly running late today, but she wasn't quite on time either.

"Don't keep your members waiting!" Mama Jung called up the stairs just as Krystal was rushing out of her room with her phone in hand.

"I know, I know," Krystal called back. She sprinted down the steps and gave her mom a quick kiss on the cheek as headed out the front door.

It was now the beginning of August and the beginning of a new era for f(x). The title track discussion was being held today and Krystal was looking forward to it. Choosing the title track was important since it dictated the direction of an album, like how "Rum Pum Pum Pum" had given their "Pink Tape" album a mysteric kind of feel, or how "Red Light" gave their previous album a darker, more rebellious kind of feel.

The members thought of these title track selection meetings as the true starting point of comeback preparations. Krystal was quite excited about the discussion and she knew her members felt the same. Even though Victoria was busy filming in China and was unable to attend today, the enthusiasm of the remaining four members would ensure that f(x) picked a good title track for this comeback.

"You're so slow! Hurry up, Princess-nim!" Krystal heard someone shout obnoxiously from the back seat of the van. Without a doubt, she knew the voice belonged to Amber and she shook her fist with playful anger in Amber's direction.

"I'm not even late," Krystal complained, climbing into the van. "You guys are early." But Krystal could tell that there was no malice in Amber's teasing. Just like Luna, who was all smiles in the backseat next to her, Amber was excited to kick off the comeback preparations in full swing. Luna patted Krystal warmly on the head as the younger girl settled into her seat.

"Don't worry Soojung-ah," Luna said with a playful glare at Amber, "she was honking the horn like a crazy person at my place to get me to hurry up." Krystal laughed and shook her head at her girlfriend in mock disapproval.

"I just checked with Sulli and she's already at the studio. Let's not keep her waiting!" Amber announced eagerly. She called out to their manager, who was driving. "Oppa! Let's go!"

The recording studio that they were meeting at was a 15 minute drive from Krystal's parents' home. Amber and Luna lived close to her so their manager picked them up together today, but Sulli lived in the opposite direction and their manager Hojoon picked her up alone.

Krystal thought about Sulli on the short drive to the studio, smiling at recent memories of meeting her friend for lunch and shopping. The friendship that had felt somewhat lukewarm as of late was starting to heat up again. They were quickly falling back into step with each others' hearts and Krystal felt comforted having Sulli back in her life on a more regular basis. And with this comeback, the chances to be with Sulli would increase further still. From the bottom of her heart, Krystal was grateful to have another opportunity to be with her members and to show the world how strong their f(x) was.

Upon arriving at the studio, Krystal, Amber, and Luna entered the building while Wongyun went to park the van. They were in high spirits and their laughter echoed off the walls as they headed up the stairs to the meeting room where Sulli was waiting. As Krystal stepped inside, she saw Sulli sitting at the table with her phone held in front of her in a video chat.

"Sulli-aaaaaaaah!" Krystal greeted cheerfully, rushing toward her friend and wrapping her arms around the taller girl playfully. Sulli patted Krystal on the arm and mumbled a greeting. Krystal's eyes fell upon the person that Sulli was conversing with on the phone, and Krystal was pleasantly surprised to find Victoria looking back at her.

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