Chapter 15: The Camera Loves Me

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"Can someone explain to me how the hell this happened?!"

I flinched at the sound of Dad's voice as it tore through his large office. Peeking through one eye, I got a glimpse of the tabloid magazine he'd slammed down on his desk.

There was a photo of me and Mason with a headline splashed across the cover page. Picking it up tentatively, I observed the photo closely. The photo was actually good, great in fact. I'd unknowingly flashed them my best side and they'd managed to capture me at a perfect angle.

I made a pleased sound and smiled, impressed at the sight. However, as I lowered the magazine from my face, my gaze inadvertently locked with Dad's face. His expression was one of unabashed fury as his eyes shot daggers in every direction.

One thing was for sure: He was not happy.

I stepped back on instinct and cleared my throat, feeling all kinds of trepidation under Dad's harsh glare. His anger seemed to be directed towards me which was surprising to say the least. It's not like I was the one who told the media where Mason and I were.

If they went there it was only for one reason and one reason only––to get a shot of the great Mason McKnight, most likely in the hopes of catching him engaged in some sort of lurid act just so they could create a new scandal that would surely boost their sales.

It wasn't news that Mason had a knack for getting himself into trouble and mixing himself with the wrong crowd, and that only seemed to fuel the media's desire to constantly go after him.

Speaking of Mason, he was lounging on one of the armchairs with one leg crossed over the other, looking all relaxed without a care in the world.

I'd opted to stand up because, well, that was the only way I could keep my frazzled nerves in check, and there Mason was like he couldn't give a flying fudge cake about what was happening!

Then again, being hounded by the press must be a daily occurrence in the life of Mason McKnight. However, I refused to allow this to become my new normal. I had a reputation to protect and being seen around with the most scandalous person in Hollywood was putting it greatly at stake.

Mason's own reputation appeared to be the farthest thing on his list of priorities in his mind as he tapped away at his phone, playing some stupid game.

In a way, it made sense; this would be only another scandal among many others, and this was cotton candy compared to some of the things he'd gotten messed up in. Besides, I doubted that being caught hanging out with a nobody like me would ruin his coveted image in any way. If anything, I should be the one worried.

I groaned. There was that annoying game again.

I turned, glaring at the source but he didn't seem to notice. Every time he scored, his phone would make that same cringe-worthy sound. It only served to increase my frustration, and with my stress levels reaching an all-time high it was more than apparent that I was at my breaking point.

"Mason, how is it that you seem the least bit fazed about everything that's going on?" I asked, shooting him a sardonic smile.

When he faced me, he had this bored look on his face, like he'd rather be anywhere but here.

Well the feeling's mutual, I thought to myself. I'd gladly take going to the spa with my girlfriends than having to worry about how to fix this mess that he'd gotten into.

Mason shrugged nonchalantly. "It will be old news by the end of the day," he said, sounding so sure of the fact. "The tabloids will find something else to whine about and that'll be it. Trust me, this will all blow over."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2017 ⏰

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