The others came running after Tuvok who arrived first.


"Sir, I declare Koon-ut-kal-if-fee."

"What?" Chakotay asked.

"The ritual challenge. He intends to fight to win his mate", Tuvok explained.

"You want to fight? Alright", Icheb said.

"Hold on, Icheb. You're a teenager and he's full grown. There's not going to be any challenge. Are you responsible for the ship being out of contact?"

"It was necessary to disable the communications, transports and shuttles. No one will keep me from my mate!"

"I am not your mate", Lil hissed.

"We will soon decide that."

"I will do it! I take your challenge myself", Lil yelled.

"She has the right to choose her own defender, even herself", Tuvok meant.

"Just hold on. Neither of you are thinking straight right now." (Chakotay)

"They are following their instincts, and I suggest we allow them to do so."

"You mean let them fight?"

Chakotay was not happy.

"Tuvok, Lil is just a girl. Vorik is, like I already said, full grown!"

"It is logical. Both must resolve their Pon farr before it kills them. We cannot wait to hear from Voyager."

"They'll tear each other to pieces. Lil will get hurt!"

"Icheb, the risk of injury seems preferable to the certainty of dying from a chemical imbalance. Commander, I see no alternative but to follow Vulcan tradition."

"All right", Chakotay agreed.

"Begin." (Tuvok)

They were evenly matched. Lil avoided a neck pinch and they struggle for a large branch she picks up. They ended up rolling around on the ground, trading punches, until Vorik got up and Lil used the neck pinch, not realizing it. It caused Tuvok to gasp. Then Vorik fell to the ground and Lil was completely disoriented. She fell into Icheb's arms, breathing heavily.

"It's over, isn't it?" Icheb wanted to know.

"The blood fever has been purged. They will both recover", Tuvok said.

Just then Lil screamed, blood curdling.

"What's wrong???!!!" Icheb yelled.

Tuvok came up to them, kneeled down and touched her neck, turning her head to the side.

"So I guess I was right."

"What? What do you mean?"

"I already had a guess what the other half of her DNA could be."

"And?" Chakotay asked.

Tuvok looked up with a knowing look, eyeing everyone, even Vorik who was sitting again. Then he motioned everyone to come closer and turned to Lil. When everyone hovered over Lil, Tuvok slowly reached for Lil's hair, which laid over her ear, and pulled it aside, revealing an ear that was forming to a pointy one.

"She's half Vulcan?" Chakotay asked unbelievingly.

"Correct", Tuvok confirmed.

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