2. Scones.

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I don't own Hetalia.

Pairing: USUK.


England's POV

I walked into the meeting room with a basket of scones. No-one seemed to have noticed, which was good because I only had a certain amount and didn't want everyone begging me for one.

I put them under the table as I sat down and waited for everyone else to show up, only Russia seemed to be here.

" Hello, England," Russa said from the opposite side of the table, " I hope at least you'll see sense in becoming one with me!"

I could feel shivers go up my back just from the smile he have me.

"I'm still thinking about it, Russia." I responded, voice trembling slightly.

Suddenly, a loud band from the doorway made me jump and Russia smile more.

" The Hero has arrived!" Exclaimed and obnoxious voice.

I sighed, another day of America.

After the meeting.

I walked out of the meeting room and was walking along minding my own business when I saw Japan. He was looking at a piece of artwork on the wall. He would surely like one of my scones!

I walked up to him and patted him lightly on the shoulder. He jumped at the touch.

"Ah, Igirisu-San. Kon'nichiwa I did not see you there." Japan said softly as he recovered from the interaction.

"Hello Japan. Would you care to try one of my scones?" I asked, smiling brightly at my friend (for once).

America's POV

I saw England take something out from under the desk and was curious about what it was, so here I was, walking through the halls of the building and actually looking for England of my own free will, and not because I was asked to. I mean, I am a free country.

I turned the corner and saw him talking to Japan with the basket in he right hand. A short burst of air made the white blanket covering the contents flip up at one corner.

Just black. suddenly a little flake of black blew away, this made me make a horrifying discovery.

He had used his kitchen.

As this thought made it's way into my mind, England reached a hand into his
basket and grabbed one of the stones, starting to hand it to Japan. Looking at Japan's face you wouldn't know whether he was scared or not.

Without a second thought I ran forward and grabbed the basket from England's hand.

"Oi! Give that back you bloody bugger!" Was heard after me as I ran around the corner.

Unfortunately for me, I tripped and the basket of scones flew out of my hands about 5 feet away from me and tipped all of the contents out onto the hallway.

Hetalia England One-Shots.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora