Chapter 4 - Good and Bad Dreams

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Jack Frost's P.O.V.

I was playing snowball fight with Jamie and then I got bored so I asked them "Hey Jamie! What else is fun to do aside snowball fighting?" Jamie said "Hmm..." he was thinking really hard. "Aha! I know what it is!" Cupcake shouted "And?..." I said while leaning forward.

"Well.. maybe you could explore the world?" she said in a low voice and I paused for a moment "Yeah! Thanks Cupcake that's a great Idea!" I shouted joyfully "Really??" she asked

"Super! So I will explore the world Starting... Uhmmm... Half a year or 6 months. I will spend more time with you because maybe it will take many years to explore this whole world so yeah half a year" I said "Okay Jack!" Jamie said and we continued playing snowball fighting. It was really fun playing with them.

Elsa's P.O.V.

It's really hard to practice in controling my powers. I wish that Jack will come and teach me how to control my powers because he also has powers like me. I will always wait for you Jack...

I played with my powers because I mastered it a little but not really so I also practiced making new clothes using my powers. I looked at the mirror as I changed my clothes into a gown it was really cute for a liitle kid to wear a cute gown.

It was really getting boring so I made a talking snowman and I gave her life and her name is Olav. Olav is a snowgirl and she has a pink bow above her head and she is very talkative and funny that made me happy. We keep playing and I got tired so Olav and I slept.

I was dreaming and my dream is I was with Jack and he taught me on how to control my powers. I learned on how to control my powers and I thanked him. I ran near Anna and we played. It was the best day of my life but I hit Anna's heart and everything went black then I woke up.

I was breathing heavily when I looked at my room. I was shocked because the whole room was filled with snow and maybe it was my powers when I was asleep.

I sighed when I thought that I already controlled my powers and I can play with Anna again but I hit her heart and it was just a dream. I cried until I remembered what my father told me 'Conceal, Don't feel it, put on a show' and so I did.

The snow inside my room disapeared slowly and it was completely gone. I was really happy that I just did it I controled my powers! Thanks to my parents because without them I would never know what will I do to control it and then I went back to sleep happily.


Hey guys I know that this chapter is short and I'm sorry if it is short. Don't worry I will make it long on the next chapter because I am out of ideas. Okay bye readers! Just wait for me to update!!


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