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(here a photo of our gas masks)

15:41 : Sergueï's cousin told me to put the hour of when i write something, i totally forgot, but i am too lazy to do it to the things i wrote before.

09:15 : i finally woke up, and bad news, the military came right to knock on our door, we were the first evacuated to the military base. They gave us rations, gas masks (apparently GP-5s, it's civilians gas masks made of rubber, i'l add a photo on the page later) NBC suits, meds, and a complete survival kit. Fortunately, we had time to take the necessary, im gonna stop writing, they are going to check if we don't have anything dangerous on us.

12:58 : we were talking with the military, very kind and nice guys, when we saw it, the apocalyspe... We saw Moscow fall, St Petersbourg, every city, everything... it's dead, than, the helicopters filming it, crashed. I guess the nuclear fall, were going to go somewhere, they moved us in something like, 2 doors ?

07/20/2017 13:23 : we were all traumatized, we could'nt had a subject, the commander came, and leaded us to a HUGE tunnel, like a metro tunnel, but 20 times bigger. Almost taller than a cathedral, it was very impressive, we had to go in, because Francis, one of the soldiers, told us a nuke is going to fall next to us. Also, he adviced me to put the date for when i write this, well okay, they also gave me a little printer, attached to a audio recorder, who basically write what it hears, because it's usefull to have a diary, but you have to stop to write, and with the ink missing, it's a big problem, but thanks god, it has a very good battery, and it's those type of machine when you turn a lever, so it' gets energy when you turn it. It basically print a page, and you attach it in your diary, you will see how different a page i wrote is different than the audio recorder.


Audio Recorder : 07/20/2017. 13:23.

неизвестно 1 : хорошо, так, это работает ?

неизвестно 2 : да, но вы можете конфигурировать названия вместо "неизвестного"

неизвестно 1 : позвольте мне пробовать ...

максим : хороший! это работает!

максим : но это - по-русски?

Франциск : да, почему?

максим : я хочу помещать это по-английски

Франциск : это легко, только свиток здесь, и выбирают английский язык

maxim : does it works now ?

Francis : i think yes, but why in english ?

maxim : because maybe other people than russian will find my diary

francis : clever, but you are good in english ? i can't understand anything !

maxim : if you want, someday, i'l teach you some english

francis : *|hypo| laugh* nah, i prefer our language

maxim : what's that "hypo" infront of it ?

francis : it's nothing, just the machine recording noises, and it ask you to confirm if it's really what it think it is, in that case, when i laughted, it indicates that it detected that someone is laughing, you just have to press the little button to the left, and it will confirm when he hear that again, without the "hypo"

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