entry 1

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(a journal founded next to a dead body, recovered by the official spetsnaz forces)

entry 1 : hey ! i just buyed this personnal diary, because Boris insisted that in those moments, as the war is approaching with the americans, as they say, i should buy a personnal diary. Well, i don't really know how to start as a first thing, so i guess i'l just introduce me, well, i'm Maxïm, and im currently with Boris, Sergueï and Pechenko. They are my best friends since my birth, also, im trying to write in english, so anyone found this on the floor, or anywhere else, can found it, and return it to me :  

in case you are someone who founded this journal, please return it at : 


kirov district 

number 96 : building next to the tennis court. 

- so, we stopped at the bar to drink some good, and strong vodka, tried some cocktails, etc... everyone is cheerfull ! but it's very surprising that the persons at the bars aren't fighting each others ! i mean, it's pretty popular in russia, so, you never known, but it felt good, im not that "violent bandit" or hooligan, even if it's famous in my country, and is a tradition ! sadly. Im gonna stop writing now, and spend some good times with my friends !! Pechenko already spotted a very beautifull woman with some curves ! i'l write later ! 

we just got out of the bar, as Pechenko, Boris, and Sergueï got a good, strong slap on the face, im dying of laughter while they are angry, i'm a horrible person  ☺. 

we just made it back home : 

Boris and Pechenko are sleeping, because, you know, too much alcohol !! but, Sergueï called me : hey ! Maxïm ! come see this !! so, i looked at the TV, and i saw the nukes, and the president "yugo tkirosky" this horrible guy, don't know how he got there, just threatened the Americans, and the whole country, looks like Kim Jong Un, but as a russian.

- Sergueï is sleeping, but i can't, im very scared of a nuclear war, my family too, i received a call from my whole family, they reeunited, next to a military base, in siberia, a couple hundreds of kilometers away from the base, incase the nukes drops, they prefer to have military help, incase, and would know what to do. I decided to take my friends with me, along with their families, im gonna try to get some sleep, i'l write tomorrow. 

Ok, it's been awhile since i wrote something, actually, i made a 7 days travel to somewhere in the middle of syberia, we had a manor for a cheap price, im gonna convert all the prices in american dollars, because it's the n°1 language by default, and also, because it's one of the easiest way to make yourself understand. The manor is not very very bad, apparently it was for a very cheap price, because all kind of animals where destroying his "garden" as he calls it, it's just some statues, and storages of all kinds. It is very messy, and have everything splattered everywhere. So we got it for around 23 000$, if my calculation is right, and he did'nt hesitated to sell it, as he runned away. Is it some kind of spooky manor with ghosts ? i hope not, i hate paranormal things. 

weird thing : it was the best night of my life, the place is very cleaned, and there was a friendly maid who always took care of everything, we asked her if she would like to go, but still got a little paid for all she had done in the huge house. She refused, and she said she loved animals, and befriended a bear once, i did'nt question that, because you know, internet people always says "there is some crazy shit happening in russia LMAO" im beginning to trust them. So she was always very nice, i would say, young and pretty girl ; hey ! don't get wrong ideas ! she is only my maid, stop with your dirty imagination !  ッ. Apparently my friends too love this manor, and it have not much internet, but at least we got some. The Tvs are working perfectly, and sadly, our russian-american relations are beginning to seriously fall apart. Their president : Ben Miller, a very kind president, almost like Nelson Mandela, but with the humor of Barack Obama, he got elected after Trump. And our President, finally decided to leave the role to his predecessor, with some fake votes, pretty sure. It's a merciless Tyran, who lives only for wars, and is a fanatic of biologicals weapons. The American President don't want to nuke us, but if our president do, they will have to do it too. On the TV, Riots formed just infront of the Kremlin, which got rapidly shot by trained military forces, the military brought by this monster. We can't do anything, just to wait for our fate, who will be very hard on us. 

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