"I don't care. She's got to be close to me," He smiled at the thought of her, "Don't you get it? It doesn't matter what she does or where she goes, she's mine. She always has been, she always will be. I am so in love with her. I should be mad that she kissed someone else- but---" Dansby met Ender's gaze, "All I can think about is holding her. And loving her."

Ender returned the smile, "My boy's really in love-" He grasped his shoulder and laughed, "Not that I doubted it but wow. It looks good on you-"

Dansby beamed, "Thanks, man," He glanced to opposite direction and realized the two of them hadn't really mentioned the kiss he and Bristol had shared. It was awkward, to say the least, but he hadn't seemed to be bothered by it, "I owe you an apology. The whole-- Bristol deal."

"You don't owe me an apology," Ender shrugged, "She didn't know me then. She's already had me now- she doesn't want you-" He playfully shoved his best friend, "Are you loco?"

Dansby's grin returned and he laughed, "My only regret is this happened during The World Series. We have a shot-" He nodded, "We could be World Series Champions this time tomorrow and she won't be here-"

Ender sighed, "It'll be okay. You've got the rest of your life to celebrate game seven."

That really didn't make him feel better, but he knew deep down, Ender was right, "Thanks, brother."

♥ ♥ ♥

Jessalyn was relaxing in bed, attempting to read a book when she heard her phone vibrate. Part of her hoped it was Dansby, but she wasn't disappointed when she saw it was Ender.

Jessalyn! Your man is doing okay, but he misses you something terrible. Listen, you trust me, right? Don't answer that, I know you do. You need to pack a bag and be ready at eight in the morning. You understand? -Ender

With a frown, she reread the message twice and quickly replied. What was he even talking about?

What? Why? Incairte, what are you up to? -Jess

Ender laughed as he tossed his bag over his shoulder and headed for the door. His eyes moved to where Dansby stood, the ring was in his hand and he stared at it as if it were still on her finger. There was only one thing that could fix this.

You're coming to game seven. And when we win, you're going to surprise him on the field. This boy is playing baseball with a twenty-thousand dollar ring in his pocket because it makes him feel closer to you. I'm not taking no for an answer, Jess. -Ender

She read his message and felt a flutter in her stomach. Dansby was keeping the ring on him during the game? Why did that make her so emotional, "Only my Dans.." She whispered and glanced over at the picture of them from college that was on her nightstand. She could hardly type through her tears, and the will to be stubborn had left her.

Alright, you win. I'll be there. Goodness, Ender, I don't know how I'm ever going to thank you for this. Or even if I should thank you. -Jess

Ender laughed as he stepped out into the hall and grabbed Bristol's hand. She kissed his cheek but didn't pay attention to his phone. She didn't need to know about Jessalyn coming, simply because he wanted it to be a surprise... the fewer people who knew, the better chance it'd stay a secret.

You don't owe me anything. Just show up and love that boy! You got a wedding in less than two weeks, you know. I'll see you tomorrow... at the game. -Ender

Swing for the Fences (Dansby Swanson/Ender Inciarte)Where stories live. Discover now