Chapter 21

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Jessalyn had seen the entire thing unfold from home. She'd been on the edge of her seat the entire game and seeing Dansby and Andrew's spat had only made it worse. She felt tears sting her eyes as she realized it was all her fault. Had she not been around Andrew, the confrontation wouldn't have happened. Dansby had just looked so happy moments before when he'd crushed that homer. She glanced at her phone and debated texting him. He'd been ejected, so, therefore, he would get the text. She shook her head and leaned back. She couldn't bother him. Maybe Bristol was a better option? She grabbed her phone and pulled up her contact info, but seeing Bristol's picture made her sick. She'd kissed Dansby and kept it from her. What that was about, she had no clue, but she'd have to find out at some point before she could move on. She scanned down the phone sighed at the thought she had. She really wanted to know how Dansby was without asking him directly and there was only one other person she could trust enough to text.

♥ ♥ ♥

The game was over and thankfully, the Braves had held off to force a game seven. It would still take a miracle, but in Ender's mind, they actually had a shot. He made his way into the locker room and, per his usual routine, grabbed his phone. Of course, there were about ten text from Bristol. Everytime he did something she even slightly thought was cute, she would text him. It was just something funny they had started and he enjoyed it. There was another name on his screen though, one he didn't expect to see.

Hey, Ender... it's me, Jessalyn. I know you're still playing right now, but I just saw what happened with Dansby and I'm feeling awful. It's all my fault and I just want to know he's okay. You're the only one I can trust right now, especially since I still haven't spoken to Bristol. Will you please check on him for me? I just need to know he's okay. Also, I'd appreciate it if this stayed between us... We decided to give each other space and I don't want him to think I'm crowding him. Thank you so much! See you soon. -Jess

He read the message and frowned. His eyes moved over to Dansby. He looked so lost and honestly, he'd never seen him so sad. Ender's heart was heavy at the thoughts of Jessalyn and Dansby not working things out. He hoped that wouldn't be the case, but in these situations, you just never knew.

"Hey, Ender. Good game-" Dansby he'd up his fist to fist pump him, "I think we got it tomorrow-"

"Oh, we do-" Ender nodded and sat down beside of Dansby, "Listen, I'm going to tell you something but you have to promise me you won't say anything to anyone- ESPECIALLY Jessalyn.."

"Alright?" He had Dansby's full attention, "Go on-"

"She just texted me wanting to know how you were-" He paused, his eyes on the message in front of him, "She saw the game. She's worried about you, Swanson."

"What else did she say?" Dansby was hopeful as he stared back at Ender, "There has to be more!"

Ender shook his head, "She just wants to know if you're okay... but she doesn't want you to that she texted me."

Dansby nodded, "I'm okay. Please tell her I'm okay, and that I love and miss her. Oh, and that November the eleventh is still my favorite day-"

"Whoa, hermano, slow down-" Ender laughed, "You're giving each other 'space', remember?"

"Right-" Dansby nodded, "I just want her here. My heart can't be whole again when she's so far away and not wearing this-" He leaned up and pulled the ring from his pocket.

"You played with that rock in your pocket?" Ender raised an eyebrow, clearly questioning Dansby's sanity, "That's an expensive piece of equipment to hold in your pocket during a game."

Swing for the Fences (Dansby Swanson/Ender Inciarte)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ