Chapter 6

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"People are so funny," Bristol scrolled through Instagram reading the various comments under her pictures. Some with her and Ender, and others with her, Dansby, and Jessalyn, "Everyone thinks we're dating..."

Ender glanced down to where her head rested in his lap. He smiled and questioned, "Aren't we, though?"

He had her attention and she stared up at him. After a moment, she slowly raised up. She was propped on her arm as she met his gaze, "I don't know, are we?"

"I mean, we've been on dates-" He reached out and touched her cheek. For the first time since he'd known her, he saw her shy away slightly, "I guess you could say that."

"I don't think that's what they mean." She punched his shoulder before leaning back on the couch.

"Do you want to... be dating me?" He raised an eyebrow and it was his turn to lean forward, "I mean, it could be arranged."

"I don't know-" He was close to her and she licked her lips as she watched him, "I may need a little convincing."

"Really now?" He laughed. There was a hint of nervousness inside of him, simply because he'd been waiting so long for this moment. Honestly, it would have happened sooner if he hadn't been on the road so much.

"Mhmm," She closed her eyes and felt his fingers graze her cheek. Her skin felt like it was on fire and she honestly had no more words. She just wanted him to kiss her.

His thumb traced along her lip and he grinned. She really was beautiful, and he felt like he didn't even deserve to be in the same room as her. Not only did she have outward beauty, her mind and spirit were equally as gorgeous. Ender stopped wasting time and pressed his lips to hers. It probably sounded cliche', but there were no words to describe the sparks that had flown.

Bristol felt like she wasn't even living at that moment. Her arms went around his neck and she pulled him closer. She didn't want him to stop anytime soon.

Ender read her pretty well and he made it no point to stop. He probably wouldn't have stopped at all if the power hadn't flickered twice and then stayed off. He pulled back from her, a bit breathless, "Whoa, we killed the power grid-" He laughed softly as his head rested against hers. She quickly stole another kiss and his arms went around her again.

"What took you so long-" She playfully punched his arm again.

"Ouch-" He smiled and stood, reaching for her hand, "Does this mean you're my girl or... do you need more convincing?"

"I always need more convincing," She laughed and stood with him, "If that can be arranged, I'll be your girl, Inciarte-"

"I guess it's official then-" He laughed as they started to walk, "You can post it on Twitter now."

"Right now? Ender, really?" Bristol laughed, "Where are we going?"

"To get candles and flashlights. They're in my room."

"Right," She leaned against him as they walked. She was positive his room wasn't the only place those things were, but she would humor him. And maybe end up humoring herself, too.


"You did AMAZING, Jess," Dansby and Jess walked inside, hand and hand. They were shocked at the darkness that greeted them.

"That's weird?" She flipped the light switch and frowned.

"Power must have gone out. It's awful quiet, though."

Swing for the Fences (Dansby Swanson/Ender Inciarte)Where stories live. Discover now