Chapter 3

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"Doesn't this place close at ten?" Bristol questioned as they walked towards the door of Chipotle.

"Usually, but we're special," Dansby smiled, "I'm the same guy you always knew, but with more privilege. Plus, Ender is happy for six days after he eats here."

"Six hours," He corrected, "Then I have to come back."

"Swanson," A cute waitress nudged Dansby and pointed to the table in the back corner, "Don't lie to these poor girls... we always stay open late on game nights. It's not for you or Ender-" She winked at Ender before focusing back on Dansby, "I'll be with you in a minute."

"Thanks, Britt," Ender waved to her and fell in step behind the other three, "Okay, I will just order for everyone because I know what's good-"

"I bet you do..." Bristol rolled her eyes and kind of looked over to the side. She wasn't jealous. But she was irritated.

"I tried to tell her," Dansby whispered as he slid closer to Jessalyn.

Jess just shrugged, her eyes on the menu.

"Are you jealous?" Ender teased as he playfully nudged her.

"No," Bristol shook her head and focused her attention across the table on Dansby, "So, do you have any suggestions for apartments? Because the hotel we are staying at tonight is out the roof- and of the places I remember from around here are all rented out..."

"Good luck. Summer just started and it's nearly impossible," Dansby shook his head and smiled up at the girl who had seated them. He gave her his order then waited for the others to do the same. She had propped herself up against the booth and didn't move when they finished. Dansby sighed and instantly regretted coming to this place.

"Who are these sweet girls," Brittany mused, "They're much cuter than the two you had here last week. Anyway, I'll get this in for you!" And with that, she turned to leave.

"Somebody is salty-" Bristol snickered and tried to hide how she really felt about it. What did she expect, though, "You hiding something from us, Dans?"

"I'm not." He shook his head and instantly everyone's attention turned to Ender.

"What? I'm not either," He paused but decided against an actual lie, "So, we brought girls out last week. Big deal."

"We?" Dansby shook his head with a laugh, "Oh, no- no, buddy- YOU brought girls and I got stuck with one."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night-"

Jess and Bristol sat quietly and looked between the two. Neither had a right to be upset, yet they slightly were, "Do you flirt with every girl, Ender?" Bristol questioned.

"No," He shook his head, "No. I don't."

"He does," Dansby nodded, "I tried to tell you."

"Swanson," Ender glared, "I do not!"

"It doesn't really matter, right?" Jess spoke up as she sipped on her water, "We're all just friends having dinner together. No one owes anyone an explanation."

Everyone looked at Jessalyn and Ender piped up, "You need to keep her, Dansby."

Dansby smiled and looked over to Jess, who seemed to shy away a bit, "I plan on it. She's the best friend I've ever had... and you too, Bris-" He lightly kicked her under the table.

Swing for the Fences (Dansby Swanson/Ender Inciarte)Where stories live. Discover now