We went up to their floor and they showed me to an empty room before leaving me alone to sleep. They had a long day and were tired, plus I really just wanted to be alone. 

I sat down on the large bed in the room and started to go through my phone. I had a text message from my brother. He was friends with Nathan, however, Nathan didn't actually know that we were siblings. We never mentioned it I guess. 

I opened the message only to drop my phone. It landed on the floor after bouncing on the bed. It was a screenshot of a message that Nathan had sent him. 

"Hey, bro. I finally got rid of that girl with the sweaty hands that I've been dating for the past two years." 

At first, I was shocked. I couldn't process anything. 

Then, I was angry. Against my better judgment, I started throwing all of the non-breakable items I could find. 

Finally, the sadness set in. Tears were running down my face and large sobs echoed throughout the room. I walked into the bathroom that was connected to the room. I put my back against the wall and slid down, crying like I never had before. 

Suddenly, I felt arms around me. 


I didn't even hear anyone come in. I couldn't help but notice that he was shirtless and that my phone was in his hands. 

"I saw what was on your phone. Are you okay?" 

I turned my head away and stared at the wall tears still running down my face. He grabbed my hands to grab my attention. I tried to pull them away but he only held them tighter. 

"Let go of my hands!" 

After yelling at him, I looked away again. 

"Leah, look at me." 

He almost sounded desperate. I slowly pulled my gaze into his eyes. 

"Leah, I don't care. It's nothing to be ashamed of."

He slid his fingers through mine and squeezed but I didn't squeeze back. 

"Whatever that prick said to you is not true. I don't care." 

I lowered my fingers and squeezed back. 

"You...you really don't care?" 

He smiled at me and shook his head. 

"I really don't care." 

He pulled away only to hug me instead. My tears were long gone by now and I hugged back immediately. One of his arms came off of my back and slid underneath my legs to pick me up. Once up, he carried me over to the bed and set me down. 

"I brought you some of my clothes to sleep in. They're right next to you." 

He turned around and started to clean up the room, while I changed. The pants he gave me were way too loose, but I tied the string and got it tight enough. The shirt was also large, but it was very comfortable and smelled like him. Once he was done putting everything back he turned to me. 




He walked over to the bed and pulled the covers over me. He turned the lights off before walking back to the bed. Before I could even ask him what he was doing, he had already crawled onto the bed and underneath the covers. 

My phone went off and I went to grab it but he reached across me and grabbed it first. 

"What are doing? Give me my phone." 

He put the phone further out of my reach and laughed. 


He set my phone on the stand next to him and laid down. I sat there thinking about who it could be. 

It couldn't be Nathan, could it? 

"Leah, relax. Stop thinking about it." 

"I can't." 

He reached out and pulled me to him so my head was laying on his chest. I rested my arm across his stomach. My body was tense and I was still thinking about it when Harry began to sing.

"We're only getting older baby

And I've been thinking about it lately

Does it ever drive you crazy

Just how fast the night changes?

Everything that you've ever dreamed of

Disappearing when you wake up

But there's nothing to be afraid of

Even when the night changes

It will never change me and you"

My body relaxed and my mind could only focus on his soft voice and the steady beating of his heart. It didn't take me long to fall asleep.

To Be Continued...

A/N- Thanks for reading!!!! I hope you liked it! And if you did, maybe you could check out some of my other stories? Don't forget to vote and comment!!!!!!! Let me know what you think!!!!

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