Chapter 35) Dylan

Start from the beginning

"I don't like her." Nat turned to his despicable comrade, his own school books in hand.

"Whatever you say, Chief."

"I don't." Nat blinked hard and long, taking a deep breath to compose himself. It took a bit longer than he was proud of, that's for sure.

"At least introduce me the next time you face-time her." Alex' elbow nudged into Nat's side playfully.

"I. Don't. Like. Her."


"I have Madison."


"What's that supposed to mean?"

The red haired boy shrugged, patting his friend and walking away, heading to his next class, history. At the end of the hallway he turned back quickly to yell at Nat and make him look like an idiot once more, "maybe try grabbing the right books," and disappeared around the corner.

Nat's eyes flitted downwards, to the pile of binders and textbooks in his arms, and groaned aloud. As much as he hated to admit it to himself, Alex had a knack for picking up on things that Nat didn't notice, and he was smarter than even Nat gave him credit for. This often lead to the realization that Nat was wrong and Alex was right but, not always.

Right now -today-  however, the flame headed pain in the ass was right. All the books were wrong.



It was a great day outside, especially considering that April was quickly approaching, and winter was often stubborn and unwilling to leave. Today, however, the sun beamed down on Dylan from high above in a nearly cloudless sky, and the evidence of snow melt was evident through the slush that she was currently being dragged through by Fries. There was a steady stream of people that would pass every once in a while, and momentarily when she heard his voice she turned to see where it came from.

"Alex wants to meet you."

Dylan was quick to recover from the confusion. Hopefully one day she would stop glancing around in search of the boy talking to her. Does he know we're telepathic?


You've told him about me?  She asked simply, trying not to seem too suspicious about what exactly the boy in her head could have said about herself to some boisterous, joking comrade of his. 

'I guess it came up once. I assume your friends already know about me?" He managed to sound smug with the last statement, even though it was rather a stupid question.

Well, considering you appeared on my screen once in the middle of a sleepover, yes. They had a lot of questions too - about the gorgeous British boy.

"Gorgeous British boy?" He was quick to jump on the words, arrogance oozing.

She really needed to learn how to control her eye rolling. Their words, not mine.

"What day works for you Larson?" Nat continued, more smug than ever.

For meeting Alex?

"Yes." He only sounded slightly tired with her feeble questions. She didn't care, it was better to ask a lot of question than to not know exactly what was gong on.

Well, I would need at least a week in advance, maybe two in hopes of convincing my parents to let my travel to London alone on short notice. She said only partially joking, knowing that meeting someone and actually meeting someone, were two different things.

"Over FaceTime, you smart-ass." If Dylan thought he seemed done with her before, that was nothing compared to now.

Leave my behind out of this. Dylan's feet carefully steeped through the slush to a barren tree that Fries insisted she needed to pee on. It was funny how she could be in one place, while her thoughts were somewhere else entirely.

"Bloody hell, Larson, is there a day and a time this week, that Alex and I can FaceTime you?" She could basically hear him groan in annoyance, see him running a hand through his dark hair, his eyebrows knit together in a glare. 

Two days from now. Friday night. The thought was clear and concise.

"Alex is going to pee himself." His accented voice was amused.

He's that excited?  Dylan questioned somewhat baffled, watching as a stranger strolled past, smiling at her. She wasn't sure if she returned the grin, or if perhaps she looked confused. She prayed it was the former.

"He practically thinks you're some kind of goddess."

Then he's in for quite a bucket of cold water, isn't he? Dylan suddenly felt nervous. She'd never had anyone think about her of what she'd look like, and imagine her attractive, at least not that she had known of. She doubted anyone really had high expectations of her. Did you tell him that I am closer to a stubby sea monster than I am Barbie, or better yet, Angelina Jolie?

"Not exactly." He spoke tersely, quickly.

Dylan's curiosity was piqued. Well, what did you say?

Dismissively he spoke, "nothing of importance." The words held some finality, and though Dylan wanted to prod further, she let it go, watching the melting snow crumble under her toes, Fries' footprints leading the way.

Well now I'm reassured, thank you. The sarcasm was palpable, perhaps if she reached her right hand forward she could touch her own cynicism.

"Don't worry, just.. wear something nice, alright?" His voice was the softest it had been throughout the conversation, and despite his usual confidence, he seemed unsure.

How was it that the tension was uncannily similar to embarrassing pauses during phone calls, so naturally Dylan had to break it.This sounds like an awkward skype date.

"Don't worry, I'll be there." Nat's nonchalant air was back.

Oh, even better, an awkward skype date with a chaperone. Dylan joked, sliding slightly on a particularly slippery bit of snow, and righting herself awkwardly, leash in hand.

"Be glad." Though his voice was entertained Dylan heeded the warning. Dealing with one boy was enough, but his best friend too?

At least she had two days to mentally prepare herself. 


It's been a while, and for that I apologize, my dear readers. I have already started the next chapter so I hope that one won't take as long as this one had.

I really can't wait to finish this story and come back to edit, and enhance it.

Hope you're all doing swell :)

*goes back to trying to get over my Tom Holland obsession*


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