Chapter 11) Together

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||Chapter 11||


"Then why are you awake?" She had asked, and in the moment he didn't know the answer. He still didn't know, but he took a stab in the dark anyway. It had been at least an hour since she had talked to that boy, Tanner was it? He didn't care to know if he was right or not.

She said something. He knew it would surprise Dylan as did most of his answers, though he knew she tried to hide her sense of revelation. They were never straight forward (not to mention unexpected), a way to bug her, something that seemed an entertaining hobby to Nat.

"What did she say." Her voice feigned boredom, and tranquility.

She said I was the hot one. His usual smirk played on his face but it faltered slightly. Now that he was going to tell her it seem that his thoughts were constricted much like when your throat is dry and it hurts to talk, but somehow it was difficult to think. He was glad she couldn't see his face.


She mentioned that they will have to do tests on us-

"I already told you that-" her voice got angrier and more impatient in his head.

Together. Soon. He closed his eyes,. He was no longer in bed and hadn't been for a while, but had snuck out of the house an hour previous. The weather was cold for London. The bitter air smelled of exhaust, and pushed against him as he walked, sweeping his dark hair from his face. He had stopped walking, awaiting her answer.

He wasn't cold, not really. His jacket, the one his mother bought him, was pleasantly warm, a trench like fashion that everyone in London seemed to have. It made him feel older and more sophisticated though he had complained when he got it. Alex would make fun of him. Now he was thankful for the thick material, and the collar that he could burry his nose in.

He listened to the harsh wind, the cars in the distance, and the soft scrape of the few passerby's shoes on the skiff of snow on the ground.

When she spoke it was quiet, more so than ever before, and soft. No longer impatient, but confused.

"Together, as in-"

As in with or in close proximity to another person-

"I know the definition craphat-" her voice was back to its usual sarcastic defence.

Craphat? That's the best you can do? He let out a slight laugh that seemed to reverberate around him. Luckily the last street ambler had surpassed him a while before for he would have seemed utterly mad. No one randomly laughs as they walk the streets of London quarter after 1:00 am. No one except psychopaths that is.
Just say what I know you want to say.

"I don't swear." She replied hotly.

Well why the hell not? He couldn't help smirking, amused. He began to move again, eased by the familiar argumentative state. He had turned back now, knowing that if he continued walking through the early morning he'd regret it. He assumed he had walked nearly a mile and a half from home.

"Because I've never really been angry enough. I don't know." She answered sharply. "I've never found a fitting circumstance," and he could feel her mood shift.
"How come they never told my parents? During our visit?" She was curious, her snappiness diminished.

How am I supposed to know? Is it because you see me as a godly figure, and God knows all the answers? Facing the opposite way of the wind allowed him to move faster, he continued walking, pushing his hair back over his forehead in a tangle of dark strands.

"Do you ever take anything seriously?" Dylan ignored his last statements her voice annoyed and exasperated.

I prefer not to. Makes things dull. He shrugged, but realized that no one could see it.

"You seem to take your fake relationship with that girl rather seriously." She sounded almost smug, she had a piece of information against him. 

But how-

"Some night last week you had a rather vivid dream. It was a lot less erotic than I thought it might be. Thank God." She answered his question, and he could imagine a satisfied little grin, on who's face he didn't exactly know.

You watched me dream- he was angry.

"Technically I watched your dream, not you dreaming." She corrected him, continuing. "If you don't remember you interrupted mine the first time. You're lucky I just watched." Her voice was pointed. "We're even now. Almost."

Almost? What do you mean-

She changed the subject, her voice amused. "You looked different than I imagined." Her thought was quick in his head, as if never meant to be expressed at all.

What did you think I looked like? He wasn't amused or smug as per usual, but curious.

"I don't know. More like a craphat, I guess." Her voice had a hint of something in it, though what it was he didn't know.

He couldn't help the small quirk of his lips at her oh-so-feeble insult.

"But that red-head with the flowers, he was funny." She changed the subject, a small laugh bouncing into his head.
He didn't know that he could hear her laughs.

Alex. Yeah he's a stupid bloke. He let a smile take shape on his face, he would hang out with his best friend soon. He missed the kid.

"Not at stupid as you. That dream was a mess." She let out another laugh, and he suddenly realized he was back at the front of his flat ready to climb into the small space of the drawing room window to get back in. He gripped the top of it and swung himself in, his hands welcoming the worn wood.

Not as messy as that conversation with that Tanner of yours.

"Oh shut up."



Together. Soon.

I could only imagine *evil laugh*

Also if you're bored person you could totally vote and comment if you want, and if you have a dog around, please love it.

Not tall enough to be the Dark Lord (and I also have a nose),

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