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i would first say, thank you for reading my story !! i really appreciate that you choosed my book !! basically, it's a story with multiples characters, a story rich lecture, and with alot of action, gore, suspence, horror, and violence. The story is about a man called "Maxïm" with his friends "Boris, Sergueï, and pechenko". They were best friends before the apocalypse happened, before the nukes fell down, before everything died. The Armageddon as some people called it, now, people are still out there, dying slowly from radiations, while others country are celebrating theirs victory, but first, let me tell you how it happened... 

the following book is made by a method never seen before, there will be missing informations to let the reader make his own theory, etc... there will be no "narator" and everything is read out loud by "someone" you will discover by reading the book. I wanted it to be as realistic as possible, make sence, and logic, explain in details how mutants, anomaly, etc... works, live, and exists, their comportements, etc... not alot of details, also, to let the reader have his own image of the scene, adding more realism, and a better immersion. IM ALSO VERY VERY VERY SORRY for all english faults that you might see, i know it can be a pain in the ass, but english is not my principal language. So im very sorry, and i hope to find someone who could help me identify the faults i made in english, i used a lot "google translate, reverso, and others sites" for some english parts, so i hope you will understand, and have a good immersion in ISKOUPLENIE ! (redemption in russian ! 

thank you very much for reading my book, i wish you a good and immersive experience, and if you did'nt understand something, or a phrase, message me, i would be more than happy to answer your question !! have a good experience !! and thanks again !

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