chapter 1: Callet comes to Fairy Tail

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I was all alone and had no idea of where I was I couldn't even remember where I came from or how I got here in the first place so I walk all the way to a town called magnolia and came across a guild named fairy tail but as I enter the guild I passed out by saying help me and everyone was yelling then I heard a voice that said put her here and we will see if she wakes up then the voice said that someone will have to take care of me even if I don't wake up then the voice said thanks for volunteering natsu and lisunna but that all I could hear .

in the morning I woke up and looked around and saw a pink hair boy a sleep in a chair then someone came in and said good to see that your a wake I just nodded my head then he told me that he is the master of this guild and he asked for my name and I said that my name is callet then I pointed to the pink haired boy and the master said that his name is Natsu dragnel and he is a dragon slayer but only with fire so I just nodded my head again to show that I was listening to him so then master splashed water at Natsu just to wake him up and Natsu woke up pretty mad and I just laughed at him and he started to blush when he heard my laughed then I stopped and looked at him then he looked away still blushing. when the master told me to get more sleep even though I didn't want to so I faked sleep then I heard the door open and people came in and I saw Natsu and a flying cat that was blue and it could talk too when I turned my body and looked at the people that came in my room I just wanted to scream but I didn't so I justed asked who are you then they all told me there names and I just remember them really good so when night came Natsu was in my room and I justed talked to him about a lot of thing then we both fell asleep at the same time so when morning came the master I think his name was Makarov came and told me to try and move a rounded this room so I did and as I was doing it I looked down at my wrist and saw a rainbow color stamp on me then Natsu woke up and helped me a rounded the guild then he introlleds me to the flying cat that he named Happy and I justed smiled at him and when I sat down at and table a fight had just began and it was between Natsu and this black haired boy and I had to end it here and now so I said my attack so quiet no one heard me and all I said was...


and they stopped fighting and looked at me with surprise in there eye same with everyone else and I had to run but my legs still hurt and after what I just did I was out of energy and I just fainted on the spot when I wake up I was in a bed with worried faces looking down at me even when I try to sit up pain goes through me and this time I had to scream and my scream was so loud everyone had to cover there ears because of me when I stopped screaming they just looked at me then they asked what I remember and I said was that I was in a dark and cold room and I was screaming out for help and a voice answered me but then it was gone and that's all I remember I am sorry then they all said that it's ok at the same time and I looked up with a smile on my face when everyone had left but I knew that Natsu didn't leave he came up to me and asked if I was a dragon slayer and I said I think so why are you asking Natsu because I lost igneel and he was like a father to me well with me I had different dragons like Water, Earth,Fire ,air and ice and the one who teach me to use fire was Igneels sister drago. I could till that Natsu was shock from what I told him so I waved my hand in his face and if that didn't work and which it didn't so I went to plan B and splashed water at him and he came back from the shock and he had the mad face on and I started to laugh again at him because he through that gray did it. when he left I tried to go to sleep and I did but it was a really bad dream and I didn't even know that I was screaming and I felt a hand on my arm and someone was telling me to wake up when I open up my eyes I saw everyone with a worried look on there face and master told me that it was a bad dream all I could said to them was...Me: it felt so really. and they turned a rounded and saw the scarceness in my eyes and Natsu stayed with me even happy just by seeing them brought joy to my heart when I see them but I can't move much so I have to make the best of it .the master said I should give walking a round the guild another try and so I did but with Natsu help of cores so when I sat down I remember not to use to much of my energy this time. I heard footsteps coming my way so I looked up and found a black haired boy and he asked me to fight him so I said sure he told me his name before we started and that name way Gray and he told me his power to it's ice-maker magic and I could just say cool and he smiled at me but before our fight began master said lets take it outside and Natsu told me to climb on his back so I did when we got outside then the fight began and I decided to go with fire move first then earth, air ,water and ice moves and see how it goes and Gray went first.....

Gray: ice-maker lancer

Me: ex-quip fire sword

and he and everyone here just looked at me just to find out that I have Ex-quip magic and I could see the shocks on there faces even gray which left him right open so I attacked him and after I attacked him he had a small cut on his face and he said to me was this.

Gray: is that the best you can do

Me: don't get your hair in a not Gray because I'm not finished just yet I'm just getting start

Gray: ice-make prison, try and get out of that

Me: oh trust me I will FIRE DRAGON FLAME ATTACK!

Gray: what the I thought only Natsu could do that

Me: will you thought wrong Gray WATER DRAGON WING ATTACK

Gray: water too what's next earth


Gray: gulp



and he looked at me with wide eyes same with everyone when I looked around me and my head started to spin and I guess I was falling back wards because I looked up at Natsu as he carried me back inside the guild and placed me back into that room with the bed again and my eyes closed before I got in the room and I could feel the pain go though my leg and I heard someone yell and it sounded like Natsu and I try to open my eyes but they stayed closed when I opened my eyes the first person I saw was Natsu and I tried to sit up but my body hurt when I did it and I said Natsu is that you yeah it's me how are you feeling Callet? I feel fine ,Natsu ,ok then Happy came in and asked Natsu how I was feeling so I said Hi Happy and he flew over to me and gave me a big hug and I hugged him back with a smile on my face in the morning I got out of bed and walked into the guild from where I was sleeping in the guild and everyone looked up when there saw me but I hide then Natsu came up to me and helped me get to know everyone even Maria-Jane and I said hi to her and she said it back to me then I sat down with Natsu and Happy then Gray came over and he wanted to talk to me so I said sure but not here so we went outside to talk after we finish talking I went back in the guild like nothing even happen then the master said that I can go on a job in a few days because he brought me a house to live in but I will have to pay the rent at is do in a year after a few days passed I went on my first job but I went alone and I came back not even hurt and I had my sword in my hand when I walked in the guild and I could see the shock looks on there face when I came though the guilds doors.

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