Chapter 1: Spring

Începe de la început

I took the last available seat at the table, unfolded the napkin onto my lap, and began to eat the wonderfully made breakfast.


"I packed you a tuna sandwich and some tortilla chips," Miss Jane shouted from the kitchen, then scuttling her way towards me. "Make sure you eat it this time." She forcefully put the brown paper bag into my hands and adjusted the red vest I was wearing to her liking. "And try not feed it to the ally cats like last time." I smiled a little remembering just two days ago when I was on my way home from work.

"I'll try to keep it down, don't worry." Miss Jane gave me a cock eyed look as if waiting for me to say something else. "And I'll make sure to get the day off for adoption day."

"Heck! You better." She pats me on my back. "You know how crazy it can get in here." She chuckles a little before letting out a sigh. It's silent for a few seconds, then she perks back up. "Well, you better get going. Don't wanna be late!"

Miss Jane ushers me outside as if it's my first day of school. She likes to do this everytime I leave, and it always puts a smile on my face. Miss Jane is my angel, and I don't know what I'd do without her.

I walk down the street a little ways and make a sharp left. Then a right. Then straight ahead is the cute little convenience store I work at. The cute store has everything you could imagine. Food, clothing, mini toilet plungers. You name it, we'll most likely have it. I've been working at the store for about 2 years now, and it's definitely an upgrade from my last job. The only downside is that not many people visit the shop.

I walk around to the back of the store through the employee entrance. There I am greeted by the store owner's son, Justin. He's my age, 20, and probably the most irritating person on this planet.

"Isn't it my lil Jo!" He exclaims with his booming voice. He walks over and envelopes me into a hug. Justin is a bigger guy, which makes him somewhat intimidating, but behind that tough exterior is someone who has the personality of a innocent child. Which can get irritating sometimes, but he means well. His dark locks bounce as he picks me up mid-hug and twirl me around.

"I feel like it's been ages since I've worked with my lil Jo." He fake pouts and put me down.

"Its only been two days." I say in the most monotone voice possible. I walk past him, ignoring his fake pouts, and towards the front of the store to clock in.

"That is a very long time to be away from me. Especially when you don't even text me back!" He follows me, fiddling with the keys around his belt loop.

"There's a reason I don't text you back." My face is emotionless as I focus on not to mess up my password. Ufosarereal.

"And what is that exactly?" The sass in his voice starts to show as he places a hand on the counter and the other on his hip.

"I don't want to talk to you." I turn my head to face him, and at that exact moment he makes a face that makes me chuckle. "Well actually, I don't like going out much. And I know you only text me to hang out." I say in all seriousness. "I'm not really a people person." I then start to fiddle with the buttons on the cash register.

"So what you are saying is.."He pauses for dramatic effect. " You like me." A smile immediately is plastered on his face.

"In your dreams, Dooger." With that said I hear the door open to the front of the store and greet the customer.

"I do dream." Justin walks back to the back room as I take lead of the front.

A few hours go by with a few customers here and there. The store  is a little slow at the moment when I hear the bell on the door go off and some light chatter. A couple of guys entered the store, I didn't really pay attention to how many, but I keep an eye out just in case.

I continue to do my work up front, occasionally hearing sounds of laughter coming from the back of the store. I make my way through the isles, straightening the shelves as best as I could since they are barely touched.

"No. No. Put this one on," laughter fills  that back end of the store when, I guess, the person put on whatever it was. I head towards the front of the store, avoiding as much human interaction as possible.

A couple minutes pass when finally the group of guys come to the counter to pay for what they want.

Goddamit, they're attractive.

"Did you all find everything alright." I ask as I start to scan the items before me, one of them being a hat in the shape of an eggplant.

"Oh yeah! We've never been here before, but there's so much in here." The guy with a big boxy smile exclaims. The others nod in agreement. I look at all of them for a brief moment as I give them their total. The one with the boxy smile had a smaller head than the other two. His hair was a medium brown color and it seemed to fall just at his eyebrows. He reminded me of a handsome monkey.

The other two were talking amongst themselves as I took the money from the handsome monkey man, not really sure what about, but I didn't really care. The taller man had a dark shade of brown hair, and straight but round nose. His smile was quite large, and at any moment I thought he was going to squeak like a rabbit. Lastly there was the shorter man, he was still taller than me, probably not by much though. His hair was the lightest of them all being a light brown, it was parted in the middle with a slight wave to it. His smile was..cute.

"Would you like the receipt in the bag?" I ask, already putting it in there when I didn't receive an answer. I hand them the bag and they start to walk out. I sigh out of relief once they are all out of the store, and turn back to what I was doing.

"I for sure thought one of them was going to ask for your number." I nearly jumped out of my own skin when I hear Justin's voice coming from behind me.

"Jesus!" I exclaimed, clasping my chest as if my life depended on it. Justin's eyes were wide as he stood there casually, staring at me as I have a small heart attack. "Next time you sneak up on me unexpectedly, I'm kicking your ass." He responded by laughing and snorting, unable to hold himself together to the point that his eyes started watering. He wipes away the tears that escape his eyes and calms down.

"Haha oooo. You know I wouldn't mind at all if you kicked my ass." He says in a cocky manner, one eyebrow raised and a smirk plastered on his face.

"You're disturbing my space right now, don't you have manager things to do?" I spit right back at him as I pick up a few garbage bags form the trash cans behind the counter, and place them right in front of him to take.

"You know what, I do! Thanks for reminding me, my sweet lil Jo." He boops me on the nose and skips gingerly to the back room singing a little tune. I chuckle lightly to myself at the weird man child.

"Fucking idiot." I say to myself as I laugh. "You forget the trash bags!"


The last hours of the night move quickly as I slowly make my way around the store to clean and tidy it up, as well as cash people out. Once I finished the last thing on the closing list, I let Justin know that I'm leaving. I grab my bag from the back office and head out the back door into the dark ally that leads to the street.

I take it slow and easy on my way home, enjoying the nightly breeze. The way the air smells of fresh blooming flowers spreads a smile across my face. That is, until I here a car rolling up beside me.

My head snaps immediately to the road beside me and I freeze. The sight before was none other eggplant?



Hiya there. So I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter. It feels like ages since I last opened up Wattpad. But hey! I did it!

And I apologise that I didn't update sooner. I've been super busy with school and at home life..and work..well basically everything. BUT! Starting next week in holiday break! *Screams from excitement*. And You know what that means????

MORE UPDATES (hopefully)

And lastly if you guys have any questions or feedback, don't be afraid to comment.

With that said, I'll speak to ya next update!


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