TGWOD chapter 19

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The explosions had taken out four Alphas and they would not be getting up again. There seemed to be only three left not including Deucalion. These came out of the mine when there heard the explosions. Derek, Cora and Scott ran to engage them. Cora was no match for an Alpha and although she fought well she ended up bloody and slumped against a tree with her legs and arms broken. Thankfully, before the Alpha could kill her, Allison shot a wolfsbane impregnated arrow through its heart.

Derek and Scott were evenly matched with their opponents and they were moving so fast that neither Chris nor Allison could safely get a shot in. It was up to them. Suddenly Derek gave a huge roar, his eyes glowed intense red and his movements and his strength was far greater than the wolf he was fighting. Within less than a second Derek had ripped the head off the Alpha.

The shock of the roar and the head rolling on the floor gave Scott the opportunity to subdue the Alpha he was fighting and he knocked him unconscious. Chris and Allison joined Scott to tie up the Alpha whilst Derek just ran into the mine.

He followed Stiles scent and when he got there he saw Stiles on the floor covered in blood. It was only when he realised that the blood was all from Deucalion that he let out a huge sigh of relief. He looked back at Deucalion and saw Stiles's new knife sticking out of his chest and amazed that Stiles had managed to end Deucalion's reign of terror.

He saw the bite mark and knew that Stiles didn't want anyone to see this, and start questioning why he hadn't turned, so he took off his jacket and put it around Stiles. He was holding Stiles and trying to wake him when Scott walked in. He saw Derek taking care of Stiles and saw the other three tied up. Derek was so wrapped up in Stiles that he hadn't even thought to free the others.

"Derek, they've been bitten. We need to get them out of here".

At that point, Stiles began to stir. Seeing Derek holding him and kissing him he lifted his arm to deepen the kiss and said

"Hi Sourwolf, did you miss me?"

While Scott was cutting the bonds around the other captives. Derek helped Stiles get up. Stiles looked at Deucalion and pulled his knife out of his chest and then wiped it clean on Deucalion's jeans. His healing seemed to be even faster now once he had killed Deucalion.

Derek still holding Stiles said

"I felt it, when you killed Deucalion his Alpha spark transferred from you to me. I took down the Alpha I was fighting with ease".

Stiles was feeling normal again so he grabbed Lydia while the others took Danny and Isaac. When they got to the top, they placed them in the car but not before they got Chris to chain up Danny just in case.

He then walked over to Allison who had the last Alpha. The captive was awake but was trussed so there was no way he could move. Stiles knelt down next to him and plunged his knife into his heart and shouted.

"No one hurts my family and lives"

as the Alpha's eyes turned glassy.

Stiles turned to Scott who looked pained and squeezed his shoulder,

"Scott, I know you couldn't have done that, but I'll do anything to protect this family and that includes doing the things that you can't do. We couldn't leave any of them alive. The Alpha pack had to be finally eliminated."

He then turned to Chris and said

"Thanks for you help, Chris, do you think you and your Hunter Buddies can take care of the bodies? It'd be great if you could let it be known what happened here and hopefully everyone else will learn that the Hale-McCall pack is not one to mess with

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