TGWOD chapter 13

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Stiles walked into the surgery to find Deaton neutering a dog. Deaton looked at him and told him to wait in his office and he would be with him in ten minutes.

When Deaton came in, he found Stiles playing Angry Birds on his phone

"So what can I do for you Stiles?"

Stiles clicked off his phone and began

"Doc, I first wanted to find out how you were after your near death experience. Then I've a few questions".

Deaton gave a quick smile at Stiles saying

"I'm quite well, Stiles, thanks for asking, now what do you need to know?"

"Okay, Doc, first Derek has finally got his head out of his ass and admitted that he loves me and we've become mates. I want to know more about the role of a Pack Mom. In addition, I think I need to help Derek resolve some of the clusterfuck that's his life and I wondered if you could suggest a therapist we could go to as a couple. And not Miss Morrell, I know she's your sister, but I don't think I could trust her on anything having seen her working with the Alpha Pack."

Dr Deaton didn't seem to react at all but said

"Congratulations to you and Derek. I don't think you need to bother about the role of Pack Mom because Derek is an Omega now: I understand he sacrificed his Alpha Spark to save Cora".

Stiles shook his head and replied

"He's still an Alpha. I think he gave it a bit of a kicking and it's taken a few days for his Alpha battery to recharge but he's back to being 100% Prime A grade Alpha".

The doctor gave Stiles an inquisitive look but Stiles was used to dealing with his father and so he looked back at Deaton with an open expression that wouldn't suggest that he had any idea that the scenario was completely unorthodox. After a second, Deaton moved away and went to his bookshelf

"Here's a book that deals with the role of the Alpha Mate, most of it's pretty explanatory but there's a special section for a human mate. As the human mate, you'll find that you'll start to be able to feel the emotions of your Pack, you'll also find that your healing is enhanced. The Pack will also seek you out for emotional comfort."

Stiles took the book greedily and began to rifle through the pages but then stopped and looked up at Deaton,

"Derek and Scott have decided to be co-Alphas of the territory and so we're now going to be the Hale-McCall Pack. I'm going to be the Pack Mom of both groups and will be the buffer that stops Derek and Scott killing each other. Does the fact that I'm only the Alpha mate of Derek mean that I cannot be the Pack mate for the combined Pack?"

Deaton thought about it for a while and said

"No, it should be fine, as long as the pack members submit to Derek and consequently submit to you as the Pack Mom, there should be no problems. It's an important role, Stiles, so you must take this seriously."

Stiles was pleased with the answer and smiled saying

"I know, that's why I came to you".

Deaton nodded and then added

"I think I know of a therapist you could speak to in San Francisco. She's human but she's a daughter of two wolf parents so she understands all about Pack. I'll give her a call and see if she'll be free. Would you be able to drive to San Fran every week?"

Stiles answered

"Probably but I'll have to speak with Derek. If you could see whether she's free and when I'll talk to Derek. I'll also have to check with my Dad if he's willing for me to go to San Francisco too."

"Okay, Stiles, I'll get back to you on this. Is there anything else?"

Stiles thought for a second and replied

"Actually, we've spoken to Jackson. When Derek's Alpha battery was low the Pack bonds seem to have been cut and so we need to re-establish them. If Jackson wishes to stay Derek's beta, Derek and I'll make a trip to London. However, there's a chance he wants to join a local pack. I wonder if you could suggest a pack close to London that'd be suitable. I want this to be Jackson's call. In any case, even if he does decided to rejoin our Pack, I think it'd be good for him if he could be affiliated to a local pack so he could go for Full Moon runs with them and get much needed protection. Perhaps Derek and I could make an Alliance with that Pack when we went to visit Jackson."

Deaton looked genuinely pleased

"It looks like you're taking to the Alpha mate role well. Derek should've considered doing this when Jackson left but it was not my place to suggest it.

Stiles defended him

"He'd a lot of other things on his plate, Erica and Boyd were missing and the Alpha pack had left their sign on his door. With all that going on, he's allowed to drop a ball or two."

Deaton conceded the point but continued

"In any case, I think this is a really good thing. I did some research at the time and I think the Dorkins Pack that run in the South Downs would be suitable. I'll make some initial calls and we can proceed with this when you know what Jackson has decided. I don't think we'll have much problems, the Hale name has a lot of power in the Werewolf arena and the fact that Scott's a True Alpha will make many wish to be allied with the strongest Alpha of our time. If you're going to make an alliance, there are many protocols that you must follow, the English are sticklers for tradition and if you don't follow the rules of engagement they won't ally with you. I lend you this book that sets it all out."

Deaton passed a book that was twice the size of the book on Alpha mates and three times as heavy. Stiles took it

"Thanks, Doc. As always you're a wealth of knowledge. I've got to go to the store now. If you've any information can you call me or Derek. Thanks again".

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