TGWOD Chapter 7

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Derek left the cemetery feeling so much better in his self. Stiles was such an amazing person and had known just how to bring closure to one of the worst periods in his life. In addition, he couldn't believe how Stiles really saw him. Stiles had told his Mom everything about Derek and he couldn't recognise himself in the description but he could detect no lie in Stiles's heartbeat. He resolved to be the person that Stiles saw him to be.

Stiles had asked Derek if he wanted to eat out but he was still feeling very vulnerable and all he wanted to do was to go to the loft and be "Home" otherwise known as resting in Stiles's arms it was getting to be his favorite place in the whole world. He wasn't ready to see the rest of the pack or interact with anyone other than Stiles. Stiles must have registered this without Derek having to say a word as he decided that they would just go to the loft and he would cook for them.

Once in the loft, Stiles rummaged in the cupboards and made the only thing that was possible, Pasta Carbonara. There was some bacon and egg and a bit of cheese and thankfully mounds of pasta. In only a short time, Stiles had made the pasta and created some garlic bread. They sat on the sofa touching from shoulder to knee while watching "Game of Thrones" on the TV. Each of them drank a big glass of milk. To Derek it felt so unbelievably domestic but also so intimate. He couldn't stop smiling. Once everything was eaten, Stiles took the bowls and the plate into the kitchen. When he came back he sat down but then pulled Derek so that he was lying down with his head on Stiles's lap. While watching the TV, Stiles pulled out his phone and made a call",

"Dad, yes I'm still at Derek's. What he did to save Cora has knocked him for six..... no Cora can't look after him! When he's like this, I don't think he'd feel comfortable near another wolf no matter that it's his sister. He needs weak, breakable humans like me. Have you eaten? ..... No I don't believe you've eaten a salad. Don't worry, Dad, we're both fine and I'll call you tomorrow. Love you, Dad".

Derek was a little uneasy that Stiles hadn't mentioned that they had mated and Stiles looked down at Derek and grabbed some of Derek's hair and gave his head a playful shake

"Don't worry, we'll tell him but he just found out that werewolves exist, that Darachs want to sacrifice Sheriffs for evil power-ups and it just isn't the time to tell him. Plus I don't want him to shoot you".

With Stiles's comforting strokes through his hair and the scent of his mate surrounding him, Derek found himself relaxing and starting to doze. After what felt like a few moments but must have been longer as Stiles was watching another show, Stiles said

"Come on, love, you're still beat, let's get ready for bed".

They both went into the bathroom to brush their teeth and use the lavatory. When they came out both stripped off all their clothes and got in the bed where they met in the middle. They intertwined their legs and Derek rested his head of Stiles's shoulder. With Stiles's arms wrapped around him Derek lifted his head to kiss Stiles and let sleep overtake him again.

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