TGWOD chapter 3

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Chapter Text

When Derek woke up the next time, he felt more alive and found that he could move even if every muscle in his body ached. Instead of pulling away from Stiles embrace he took a deep breath and took in Stiles's scent.

Stiles looked down at Derek and smiled and went back to reading his book while still stroking lazy circles on Derek's back.

"Did you mean what you said last night?"

Derek asked in a croaky and broken voice. Stiles stilled his hand on Derek's back and look at Derek.

"That I love you? Yes, I meant every word but don't kill me for comforting you, you needed someone to look after you and you needed to know that I love you and I needed to know you knew".

Derek looked at him directly in the eyes and Stiles gulped.

"Stiles, you're my mate".

The next thing Derek knew his head was hitting the bed as Stiles sat suddenly upright squeaking


"You're my mate, Stiles, I've known for a while but I'm not good for you and you deserve better than me"

Derek said in a voice that sounded even more broken. What happened next was something Derek didn't expect. Stiles jumped on top of Derek and then bit Derek on the junction between the neck and the shoulder until he drew blood. He then licked it and said

"Mine, no take-backs".

In his shock, Derek's wolf worked on autopilot, Derek said


and then bit Stiles in exactly the same way and licked the wound. He growled


to which Stiles said

"Yours, oh yes, I'm all yours, no refunds buddy".

It was done, Derek and Stiles had both claimed each other. Derek's brain was full of the warm and fuzzies, he had claimed his mate or more accurately his mate had claimed him. He needed to rationalise these events by getting away but this need was overwhelmed by the need to bury his nose into his claiming mark on Stiles and smell both their scents merging together. From Stiles, all he could hear was giggles. Then Stiles stopped, hugged Derek tightly saying

"Welcome home, my mate, my love, I've missed you".

Derek pulled himself back onto Stiles's shoulder and threw his leg and arm over his mate's body and snuggled into Stiles. Stiles embraced Derek tighter and said

"My Snugglewolf".

Derek smiled at Stiles saying

"I should have known you'd have acted without thinking and giving you all those books on werewolf lore so you knew about claiming may have been a mistake, but on balance, I'm glad that you did"

and then kissed Stiles's chest. Stiles looked at Derek with his amber eyes and they were completely focussed on Derek. Stiles replied

"I'm glad I did too".

However, his smile dropped and he look at Derek saying

"I've only one request as your mate, Derek, but it is a big thing. When we're together like this, I always want you naked physically, mentally and emotionally. I want no barriers between us, I always get the raw you. Never again will you hide behind the Great Wall of Derek and you'll always share when you're happy, sad, scared, excited, anxious or relaxed and any other emotion. All your thoughts and history are shared with me and your body is always open to me. I promise to offer you the same."

Derek rolled onto his back, looked up at the ceiling and after having taken a swallow to try to clear the lump in his throat said

"That is a big thing, Stiles, I've been closed off for so long. I can only promise that I'll try but I can't say that I'll always succeed".

Stiles pulled Derek back onto him and said

"That is all I ask but I'll call you on your BS if you don't share. Now, in public, I'll allow the 'GWoD' to exist but not when we're alone."

Then Stiles curled up over Derek and caressing Derek's stomach and chest he pressed kisses along Derek's jaw until he met the corner of Derek's mouth which he licked along. Derek turned into the kiss and opened his mouth to accept the sloppy kisses from Stiles which showed no finesse but total devotion. Derek was in bliss. Then Stiles stopped, pulled himself down Derek's body and then pulled Derek's briefs down and then pushed them off with his feet. He did the same with his own. "I said Naked, Derek"and laughed and pulled himself completely onto Derek so that each part of their bodies were touching. Derek was definitely in bliss now.

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