•Chapter 9- Flood Escape- Noelle Chapter•

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   Noelle suddenly awakens. Her feet (which at this point is sticking out of the side of the passengers seat) are now soaked. The currents were rising.

   "Fuck!" she jumps up and makes sure her bag isn't wet. It wasn't. Not even a drop. She let's out a sigh of relief and jumps in the regular seat of the motorcycle and starts it up.

   It doesn't start up. She looks and make sure that everything is okay. It was. She has simply forgot to turn the gas back on. With that she does and speeds away.

   She has been driving for 2 hours. She is getting closer to the haven, but its so far away. Its like trying to get the cookies on the top shelf when you were little. So close, yet so far.

   Imagine, To be alone on the open road, all alone, no cars or people (alive that is) around you. Lonely right? Not for Noelle. She found people away from her peaceful. And then it happened...

   She saw someone... or something out there. Maybe an animal? No. It was too tall to be an animal. It had to be human. She drove towards that someone or something. Let's hope it is a something...

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