•Chapter 3- Meeting Courtney- Bella and Courtney chapter•

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She looks around her small town. She sees homes getting engulfed in the water. Soon the whole town will be taken over. Bella begins to think about what happens. She gets lost in thought as she drives. It seems that she has only driven a short while but in reality she has been driving for 2 hours. A bit more than 100 miles. She stops at a gas station and fills up the car. "They won't be needing this." no one is working there so she might as well use it.

She looks around the empty place. She sees one car driving, passing by the gas station. She continues to look around and finds a girl standing there. She seems to be about Bella's age. She walks to her slowly... shyly...quietly... "Are...are you okay...?" Bella is very quiet.

The girl looks at Bella "Uh... Yea... fine... just trying to get to Idaho."

"As am I... do you need a ride?"

"That will be great! Is that okay with you?"

"I wouldn't have offered if it wasn't." she pauses "I need company anyways."

"I'm Courtney by the way..."

"I'm Bella." she reaches out her hand and Courtney shakes it. In this situation it is much better to make friends, not foes.

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