•Chapter 8- Remembering to drive-Noelle chapter•

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Noelle has her bag full of supplies. Luckily she has the passengers seat on the motorcycle. She sits her bag in the passengers seat and turns on the motorcycle.

"Now if I can just remember how to..." she starts up the motorcycle and sits on it.

She did not have to balance the motorcycle, since it had the seat on the side. She had trouble starting off and was a bit shaky but she got a hang of it. She drives down the empty, lonely road.

She has been driving for 2 hours now. She is passing through a city and a huge building begins to topple over. She speeds up to 121 miles per hour.

The building falls behind her but a few small shards of glass hit her in the back of her arms. "Fuck," she keeps driving into she is at a safe place.

She pulls over and opens her bag. She takes one of her old shirts and cuts it with her pocket knife. She wraps it around her arm, still bleeding. She pulls a few pieces of glass out of her arm.

"Ahh!!!" she screams as she pulls them out. She wraps her arm again. Night dawns over on her quickly.

She makes sure she is in a safe place and sleeps in the passengers seat. The night is quiet and the water slowly takes over the field that she is near, which was once empty.

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