You shook your head slightly, smiling, "I'm fine."

"You're sure?" She reached over, tracing your jaw with her thumb gently and you felt like she'd done it a hundred times, like this was how you were supposed to wake up every morning. Her voice said that she didn't believe you, but she didn't press any further than that- letting you tell her how much you were comfortable with telling her.

God, why was she so perfect?

You smiled brighter this time and leaned up, trying to kiss her- but she pulled away, wrinkling her nose.

You were a little put off at first- Ariana had never refused the chance to kiss you. Especially since she'd been even more clingy recently, there wasn't a time you could recall where she didn't jump on the chance to be physical. (You pretended it wasn't that big of a deal, but secretly you really loved it when Ariana was such a cuddle monster). You raised your eyebrows in questioning, at which she only shook her head, "I have morning breath."

You looked at her like she was crazy, "morning breath? That's what you're going with?" It was a pretty lame excuse, even for her. You laid back down- you obviously weren't going to try and kiss her if she didn't want you to. But, you did take the opportunity to make a funny face, scrunching up your eyebrows and pouting your lips as if you were wondering why should wouldn't kiss you. You weren't upset, just teasing her- and she knew that.

She laughed, loud and bubbly before collapsing back on top of you, her face nuzzling into your neck. She really was laying directly on top of you; her arms thrown around your neck and her legs entangled with your own. It was funny that she was so small and that the bed was a relatively good size, yet she'd still decided that directly on top of you had been the perfect place for her to lay.

"You were just using it as a distraction anyways," she countered, looking up at you again as her eyes took on a more serious look. Her voice lowered, and quoted a little - and she paused as if to let you adjust to the more meaningful atmosphere, "You know you can tell me when you're upset, right?"

You knew she was being genuine, that you really could tell her anything. And you wanted to; you wanted to tell her how scary this whole thing for you was, and how it made you fidgety that you had to hide it all. You knew she would understand, and you knew she was rational- that she could look at the problem with you and work with you to solve it. But, that didn't mean she could do anything about it- just because she understood you didn't mean her press team would. There were so many more people dictating your relationship than you and Arian- saying she was there for you didn't mean that it would fix everything like you used to be able to. That just meant she would listen- not that she would stay.

But instead of saying any of that, you just smiled softly and kissed the crown of her head- a gesture you knew she took comfort in. "Of course. Thank you, Superstar. But I assure you that nothing's wrong."

"Promise?" Your eyes connected with hers and saw everything you wanted in reach. She was worried about you, she cared about you- in this moment, she wanted you. The real you, the you no one ever gave a chance- the one she gave all her chances to.

"Promise," you confirmed, wrapping your arms around her waist in a bear hug and making her laugh again. She hid her face in your shoulder once more while you held her, and it was peaceful - before you remembered what day it was.

"Crap," you groaned, "I have to get up."

Ariana lifted her head and gave you a pointed look, "I know you don't mean that you're getting out of this bed any time soon Maximilian Peters- because I did not take the early flight down here at one o'clock in the morning for you to leave me in bed like one of your one night stands."

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