The Date Part 2

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"You know she just saw me this morning, right?" You complained, gritting your teeth when Torrie pulled a little on your hair.

The blonde chuckled and shook her head, twisting the hair she had into the rest of the braid, "believe me, I am well aware of where your girlfriend spent the morning."

You blushed at the word 'girlfriend', but scowled when Torrie tied up your first braid into a bun and moved to do the same to the left side, "so?"

"So?" She mocked you, expertly beginning to twist your hair into a braid that would mirror the one on the right- starting at the top of your head so that you had two braids that connected into a regular looking bun at the end. It looked like something Ariana would show you; rolling over into your lap from the other side of the couch and look at you with questioning eyes as she held the phone in your face.

"Do you think this would look cute on me?" You could hear her voice in the back of your head.

"I think you'll look good in anything, Superstar." You smiled, remembering how she would roll her eyes and glare at you, because apparently 'that's not a real answer'.

"So," you repeated, growling again when she started to pin back certain loose hairs and pull other ones out, "this morning I was in my pajamas and hadn't even brushed my teeth- if she's seen me like that then what's the point of dressing up now?"

You'd always hated dressing up. When you had been younger and before your mom had deemed you old enough to care for yourself, she had left you with your Aunt Lisa- who just loved to dress you up in the most obnoxiously poofy dresses and accessories. You didn't see the point in curling your hair or putting on makeup- you didn't care about it, so why waste the time or the money? You figured you'd leave that stuff to girls like Ariana and Torrie, who liked it.

"Because," Torrie said, sighing. (Probably because she knew you wouldn't understand even after an explanation). "It's the first date, you're supposed to get all dolled up."

You scrunched up your nose for the billionth time, not understanding, "but I'm not a doll."

Torrie a hearty chuckle, "I know you're not a doll, silly." She sighed as she got out her highlighter (which you recently discovered was not just a marker) and eyeshadow to touch up your makeup. "You're telling me you never felt like getting dressed up to impress Ariana?"

You shrugged, letting her put the makeup on you, "the me without makeup is the same as the me with makeup on." You'd honestly never understood the fuss about 'getting pretty', you thought it was actually rather stupid of people to think that anybody had to do something to be beautiful.

Torrie smiled fondly at you and put the makeup brush down, sitting back against the vanity, "you're one of the girls that thinks we shouldn't have makeup, then?"

You shook your head, "no, I think I shouldn't have makeup." You looked at the vanity, and the several makeup products splayed across it. "Ariana likes wearing makeup. And I bet she's had Daniel do just what you're doing now- but she's not putting it on because she wants me to think she's pretty, or because it's technically our first date, she's putting it on because she wants to. I'm just smart enough to realize that."

It was Torrie's turn to shake her head and smile, "you should be a preacher, talking like that." She sighed and slowly continued to fuss with your hair.

You let her continue, and you let her pick out your outfit too, like she always did. Not because you cared about what you were wearing, but because you knew that Torrie liked to do it- she did it for a living, after all. Even though it was just a thick black hoodie on some ripped black jeans, it made you happy to watch Torrie's face light up when you came out- all ready for your movie date with Ariana- and that was what mattered.

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