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Sehun slumped down on his bed, throwing his backpack next to him and staring blankly at the mirror in front of him.

Okay, what the actual fuck just happened?

One moment he was avoiding Kai and the next they're confessing their feelings for each other. And then Kai asked him out and he agreed. Everything just happened so fast, it felt like a dream. It probably was. It definitely wouldn't be the first time.

He went to pinch himself but his phone ringing stopped him. He frowned. What the hell? No one ever calls me.

He found himself falling off his bed and when he saw the caller ID. It was Kai. He whimpered, wondering what the hell he was supposed to do. Why was Kai calling him? What did he want? Why couldn't he just text? He hated talking to people on the phone, even his mom. His social anxiety only multiplied over the phone.

Clearing his throat nervously, he answered the call.

"H-Hello?" He muttered awkwardly.

The other side of the line was silent for a while. Frowning, Sehun spoke up.


"I'm sorry," Kai let out an airy laugh, "I just wanted to hear your voice."

Sehun blushed. "Okay... You heard it... Can I hang up now?"

"Please don't," Kai said, a little too quickly. "I'm just... I feel like I need a reality check."

"Same here..."

"I wanna see you. Can I come over later today?"

"Actually... I'm a little busy today."

"Yeah? With what? I mean... Not to be nosy or anything..."

Sehun grinned, laying back in his bed, "No you're not. You wanna know if I'm going to meet up with Tao."

Kai laughed, "Okay, maybe. So are you?"

"Well... I do have to reject him. Better sooner than later right? I don't want to leave him hanging any longer."

Kai was silent for a moment before speaking up again, "Okay."

"Besides, he's still my friend."

"I know I know, but you can't blame me for being a little jealous. I get jealous really easily."

"Yeah, I can tell."

"Alright then. I'll leave you alone for now. I know you hate speaking on the phone," Kai paused, "Bye."

"Bye..." Sehun said awkwardly before hanging up, sighing dreamily. Kai wanted to see him and hear his voice. The thought alone made him so giddy. When did he get so lucky anyway? What did Kai even see in him? He sat up and looked at the mirror. He wasn't particularly handsome, his face was about as interesting as a plank of wood. His glasses made him look boring and nerdy. His hair was a plain brown, straight and fell over his forehead. And to top it all off, his clothes were way too loose. Then there was Kai who was perfect, the most handsome boy he'd ever seen. Perfect height, perfect build, and a great sense of fashion.

It seemed like all his insecurities smacked him in his face all at once. He didn't feel good enough for Kai at all. Of course he didn't want to lose him either, not after he just got him. But at that moment, he really felt like he just didn't bring enough to the table.

His phone buzzed yet again, breaking his train of thought. He looked down at the caller ID and cringed. Of course Tao had to call him right now. Gulping, he picked up the phone.

"New phone who dis?"

"You know it's me Sehun," Tao laughed, "You've been really quiet lately. Everything okay?"

The Me In Your Canvas [SeKai]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें