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Kris sighed as he put the last of the paint into the trunk of his car, shutting it. "Are we done now? I'm tired."

When Kyungsoo didn't reply, he turned to find him staring intently at something. He followed his eyes and they landed on the river were people were getting on those cheap sappy boat rides.

"What're you looking at?" Kris asked. The shorter boy averted his eyes and shrugged.


"You wanna go on a boat?"

"No, I don't."

"Why not? It looks like fun."

"Kris, I said I don't-"

Before he could complete his sentence, he was being pulled by the arm toward the river.

"It'll be fun!"

"I don't want to get on-"

"Hey how much for a boat ride?"

Kyungsoo scowled as the taller boy quickly paid for the two of them. He got on the boat and pulled the other boy along with a yelp. Kyungsoo looked around nervously before glaring at Kris.

"You're so out of the art club for this."

"Come on, how bad could it be?" Kris asked as the driver began to row the boat. Kyungsoo inhaled sharply, closing his eyes as he gripped his seat hard.

"You don't look like you're enjoying yourself."

"Because I'm not," Kyungsoo yelled, a little loudly which slightly took Kris off-guard.

"I thought you were looking at it because you wanted to get on."

"How so very observant of you. Next time, try not to assume things about me." He snapped.

Kris frowned, "You can at least appreciate the fact that I'm trying to do something nice for you. You're always so closed off and even though you treat me like shit, I'm still trying to be your friend."

"I don't need friends," Kyungsoo muttered, "And even if I did, it definitely wouldn't be someone like you."

Kris stood up angrily, making the boat shake and Kyungsoo let out an unexpected squeak as he held on tight to his seat. Kris' anger immediately dissolved as he eyed the other boy curiously. Kyungsoo shot him glare.

"Don't just move suddenly like that! Isn't this damn boat shaky enough for you?" He yelled, his voice losing that usual calm tone and getting a little higher than usual.

"Uh..." Kris sat down again cautiously, "You're not really a fan of boats, are you?"

"No, I'm not! I hate boats and I hate water!"

Kris' mouth formed an 'o' as he nodded slowly. Yeah... maybe this was a bad idea. It was the first time Kyungsoo looked so... uncomfortable and anxious. He was acting jumpy and yelling a lot more than usual.

"I'm sorry," Kris said, placing a hand on his shoulder, "I really didn't know." He was confused as to why he felt so guilty for forcing Kyungsoo into that boat ride. He'd assume that he should have been happy to see the guy was out of his comfort zone for once. But it didn't feel good at all.

"What do you know anyway? You're so goddamn oblivious to everything all the time. Like the fact that you have zero talent in art and that the only reason I made you my assistant was to make you give up on your stupid dream!"

Kris felt his heart drop at that. "What?"

"You heard me. I was trying to get you to give up all along. That's why I treat you the way I do, I want you to leave the art club and to never hold up a damn paintbrish again, because your art skills are just offensive."

The Me In Your Canvas [SeKai]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz