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"Ugh, it's so flipping cold."

"I'd give you my jacket but you already have like... five on."

Sehun narrowed his eyes at the other boy, elbowing him in the side and making him laugh softly.

"Aww, do you want a hug?"

"Actually, yes," Sehun pouted. What could he say? He was a cuddly guy, he loved hugs. In fact, the only reason he'd ever want to get into a relationship was so he could cuddle with someone. Definitely not to exchange saliva, blegh. Besides, it was freezing cold and there was nothing like some nice body heat.

The taller boy smiled and wrapped an arm around Sehun, pulling him close. Sehun sighed, watching his breath condense as it left his lips. He leaned on the boy's shoulder, enjoying the warmth eminating from his body. Why were they in a park in the middle of goddamn November when it was absolutely freezing outside? Oh, right, a certain somebody had insisted on it, saying it'd be fun. Sitting on a freezing park bench in the middle of winter was definitely not Sehun's idea of fun.

They watched the children play and throw snow balls at each other, laughing and enjoying with their friends while their parents miserably watched from a distance away. Sehun could tell they were just waiting to get home. This is why I'm never having kids.

"Aw, what a cute couple," some random girl said, smiling at the two of them. Sehun's eyes widened as Tao laughed awkwardly, the two of them quickly separating.

"Uh, it's not really like that," Tao clarified, cheeks slightly red, "We're just friends."

"That's too bad. You two looked totally cute together! Can I take a picture?" She held up an expensive DSLR camera, "Not to be weird or anything, I just really like taking pictures of people."

Sehun shrugged, not minding the idea. He was an artist, so he could understand where she was coming from. He loved drawing people and she loved taking pictures of them. Sehun lay his head back on Tao's shoulder as the boy hesitantly put his arm back around Sehun.

"Just pretend I'm not here," the girl said as she held the camera up to her eye. After a flash, she grinned at them. "Thank you."

"Sure, no problem," Tao said, watching her smile once more before walking away from them. He let out a nervous sigh as he looked down an Sehun who's head was still resting on his shoulder, shuddering slightly from the cold. It was a wonder how comfortable he'd gotten around him over the past couple of weeks, judging by how hostile he was the first day he returned to the dojo. They hung out a couple of times and Sehun had eventually warmed up to him. Tao wondered how he could have ever been rude to someone like him; he was absolutely adorable and had a great personality.

"This isn't too bad," Sehun mumbled, "Apart from the fact that I'm freezing my butt off."

"Yeah, it's nice," Tao smiled, "Hey... there's something I wanted to tell you."


"It's just... um, you're great, Sehun. Just getting to know you over the past few weeks has been really awesome."

Sehun lifted his head up from the boy's shoulder to smile at him shyly, "I honestly didn't think we'd be friends. I usually hate people. But you're not too bad yourself. Once you stop staring at my butt during karate class, that is."

Tao laughed softly, "I can't help it."


"Says the one that reads BL manga."

Sehun shrugged, "Touche."

They both laughed before going silent, Tao biting his lip nervously as he silently contemplated whether or not it was a good time to confess the way he felt. Maybe they hadn't known each other for that long but he couldn't deny his attraction to the other boy.

The Me In Your Canvas [SeKai]Where stories live. Discover now