5| Two's company, three's a crowd

Start from the beginning

"You could have said anything! You could have said it was some business related thing, you could have said you wanted to relax" I threw my hands up, "You could have told her the truth."

"One, telling her it was a business meeting would lead to too many questions and two, I plan on telling her, soon."

"Soon? Not now?"

He winced, "Wouldn't be a very good anniversary gift would it."

"No, but why do you want to hide it, it's not like this is all means something."

"How would you feel if you're boy fried told you he was married to someone else for a business deal," he deadpanned.

"I wouldn't have minded if he told me right away, if he told me after the marriage? Yeah I'd be pissed because he hid it from me, but if I truly loved him then maybe I'd still be fine because at least, he told me."

"Vanessa isn't like that, she'd freak out." He said agitated, and clearly annoyed with me. 

Wait, a second, I'm the one supposed to be annoyed with him, my irritation at him flared up a bit more.

"What do you mean 'she'll freak out', of course she'll freak out, whether you told her yesterday, or whether you tell her tomorrow. Just hope, she'll realize you're point of view and understand you."

"That's not how Vanessa works."

"How do you know?"

"Because I've known her for almost a year!!"

Oh right.

A knock at the door diverted both of our attention from bickering.

Our annoyed stares became wide eyed ones; we were still in our dresses, albeit mine wasn't a traditional wedding dress and my hair was all undid, it was still pretty obvious.

I ran to the bathroom, grabbing the bouquet on the way, while he opened the door.

"Hello sir, we have booked another room as you requested," I sighed of relief and stepped out.

"Oh, thank you very much."

I frowned at Luke as he conversed with the bell boy, with everyone but me he seemed like a genuinely nice, collected person.

He still might be, a part of my brain argued.

Nice? Maybe.

Collected? Definitely not.

Luke closed the door and let out his breath of relief; then he turned to me, "We should probably change."

I nodded, "Yeah."

He put the key the boy had just given in my hands, "Here's your room key," he grabbed my bag from the floor where I dropped and handed it back.

See, he's nice.

Or just eager to get you out.

"Thank you," I said giving him my business smile and taking my things from him.

"You're welcome."


My room was three floors down, on the second floor.

I showered and changed into a jeans and T-shirt, it wasn't until I laid down on the bed and searched for my phone that I realized I left it up.

I quickly tied my hair up into a pony and hoped his girlfriend wasn't there yet. I rang the bell deciding to claim 'wrong door', if the girl, Vanessa I think, opened it.

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