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Seiko looked around at the female's that she had invited over for a sleepover and narrowed her eye's and smirked at the sight of two of them.

Her best friend Nakashiwa Naomi and Naomi's love interest Mochida Satomi.

Naomi was currently talking to Satomi, clutching a pillow. Her bangs were being held back by a white headband, She was wearing a green tank top that made her chest stand out and a pair of white sweats.

Satomi was sitting still as Mayu braided her long brown hair. She was wearing a matching set of pajama's that Yoshiko had lent her and not surprisingly swallowed up the short girl's entire figure.

'Hehehe, Time to execute Seiko's Plan: Harem!' Seiko thought to herself as she wiped the drool from her mouth.

Seiko smiled a cat like smile and clapped her hands.

"Ay! Ya panzies I have a surprisee for all of yoou~" She cheered as she reached under her bed.

A silence filled the room before Seiko pulled Seiko pulled out a bag of plastic shot glasses and a bottle of Alchohal.

"Tadaaaaa~" She smiled holding out her treasure.

Yoshiko shook her head, her blonde hair swaying "Shinohara you crazy ass, where did you even get that?" She asked.

"Sorry but that's for me to know and you to never find out!" Seiko said as she placed six mini plastic cups on the floor and started to fill them up.

"Um, Shinohara.... Doesn't the law say we can't drink until we're twenty-one?" Satomi asked her nervously, as she stared at the Alchohal.

"Hey! Don't be such a party pooper! We're young and fresh! We get to do stupid things!" Seiko said patting Satomi on the back as she was handed a cup.

Mayu looked at it nervously before just shrugging and drinking it.

Yoshiko was downing it like there was no tomorrow.

Ayumi had just sighed before taking tiny sips, hoping to herself that she would at least be sober when everyone crashed.

Seiko smirked as everyone was beginning to get more tipsy, except Yoshiko who Seiko had discovered had a very large tolerance for alchohal.

Scooting over to where Naomi was ranting to Satomi (something about a game where your lifeline depended on a rose) and put her arms around both of their shoulder's.

Satomi hiccuped, apparently having a very low tolerance for alchohal and was now very drunk.

"Soooo, do ya guys wanna be in a harem?" Seiko asked them slyly.

Naomi looked her questiongly "What's a harem?" she asked, her words somewhat slurred.

"Oh, just a group of best friends who get together and dress up in cosplay! It's reaaaally fuuun, Come on you know ya wanna!" Seiko lied cheerfully.

Satomi looked at both of them before nodding her head, somewhat swaying "Suuure, Shinooohara! I didn't think that'cha thought of me as a beeest friend!"

"Oooof cooourse she would silly!" Naomi giggled before Satomi abrupty crawled away.

" If that'sa what besties do I wanna be in a *hic* harem with Yoshiko!" She said crawling over to the blonde who was now sitting calmly.

'Ooooh Nuggets' Seiko thought as she started sweating.

Yoshiko would totally compromise the plan!

Satomi continued her merry way and stopped as she reached Yoshiko.

"Heeeeey, *hic* Yooooshikooo do ya wanna be in a harem with meee?" She asked giggling.

Yoshiko coughed as she realized what her friend had just said.

"A-A harem!? Satomi why would we be in a-a h-harem!?" She stuttered blushing profusly at the thought.

" But Shinohara saaaid, that harems are for best friends! And aren't we the best of buddies?" SatoMi sniffled.

Yoshiko raised an eyebrow "What did Shinohara say that harem's were?"

Satomi hiccuped before answering "She said that best friends get together and they cosplay and have lots of fun!" She seemed to sobering up.

Yoshiko shook her head, what in the world was Shinohara thinking.?

"That is not what Harem's are Satomi, I don't know why Seiko would tell you that" She sighed.

"Then what's a harem?" Satomi asked putting her chin on her hands.

Yoshiko's cheeks went bright red as she explained what a harem was and by the end of the explanation Sato's face was darker than hers.

"T-that means!.... SEIKO YOU PERVERT!!!" She shrieked before hiding under the bed.

Seiko sweatdroppes, it was clear now that only half of Plan: Harem worked.

She stood up dramatically and pointed a finger at the bottom of her bed "Just you watch Mochida Satomi! I'll make you apart of my harem one day!"

Satomi's voice hissed out from under the bed "Never! You demon!".

"Yes You will-" Seiko was abrupty cutt off by the sound of Ayumi hitting the floor and passing out cold.

Mayu chuckled nervously



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