Opening up one of the cupboards, I noticed a five pack of Mr. Noodles, but they were just out of my reach. Paul was just watching me to see if I would ask him for help, but instead I climb up on the counter and reach for them myself. "Do you want some?" I ask, hopping off the counter tops. He nodded his head and walked back with me to the kitchen.

"College meal of a lifetime coming through," I said, pushing Ramses and Alex out of my way playfully while holding the five pack of noodles in the air. They all clapped and hooted as I pulled a metal pot out from below the stove and started filling it with water. "Leave it to the college girl to pull out instant noodles on the first night!" Cody called out, while coming down the stairs with Mark.

Alex and Ramses went to go talk in the bathroom, which was fairly empty at the moment. Just from looking around, the house was already starting to divide into two half's. There was already at least one alliance formed that included Megan, Alex and Ramses and one super alliance of a guaranteed eight people that was bound to form in the next few days.

After dinner and some more getting to know people,  I went to bed around midnight-ish. I didn't bother changing clothes again since what I was wearing was comfortable enough. Paul jumped on the bed an hour later, causing me to wake up unintentionally. 

"Damn, you do hog the covers." He said, noticing how I was wrapped up in the comforter. "I wouldn't lie about that." I said with a tired chuckle while trying to un-weave myself from the comfortable mess I made. Once Paul had half of the blanket to cover himself with I turned over on my side and faced the wall, while trying to go back to sleep.

"What no cuddling?" He asked in joking manner as he positioned himself more comfortably. I rolled my eyes and kicked him the the leg with the back of my foot, "Shut up." I grumbled, making Paul chuckle lightly before he turned off the lights in the room.

So it's day two in the big brother house and I'm just sitting in the sun, talking, drinking my ice coffee, when my favorite person in the whole house, Cody, asks me to come up to the HOH room.

"What's up guys?" I ask, taking a seat on one of the sofa's across from the giant HOH bed. Cody was up there all alone, which was weird because he always seemed to have someone around him at all times despite being super quiet.

"So we were thinking that we want to make an alliance, and we want you to be apart of it." Cody started, "It's gonna be me, Jess, Mark, Matt, Elena, Raven and you at the core." I nod my head, "And Christmas, Dominique and Paul of the outside for numbers. But they think that we're all on big team right now." 

"Sounds promising." I say, taking another sip of my ice coffee.

I know Cody told me last night that I was pretty much already his ally for letting him take power this week. But now he's telling me that he's putting together a super alliance and all I can think is; it happens every season and it never works. But I can't really say no to the HOH right now.

"So what do you mean when you say I'd be in the core?" I ask him to clarify. Cody nods his head, "I mean like you're someone who will have more say in who we target, you know? From working with you during the comp last night, and hearing Paul praise you as a "sweet talker," I think you're a strong person in this game already and we need strong people to stay in power." He explains further as to what my position is in this alliance he's creating. 

"Yeah, I'm in. For sure." I say. Cody nods his head and we hear the door knob start to twist. "Oh, did I interrupt something?" Paul said, closing the door behind himself but keeping his hand on the handle. I shook my head 'no.'

"Lia's on board with the team." Cody said, looking in Paul's direction. He looked back over to me, "So like, who are you targeting, or like who's raising red flags for you?" Cody continued to talk game with me. I instantly think, "Josh is questionable to keep around, but he got that stupid apple last night." I explain to him. Paul took a seat beside me on the couch and listened to the conversation me and Cody were having.

"Definitely, anyone else?" He says, wanting more opinions from me.

I'm not gonna lie, Cody asking me who I want gone already is like a dream come true. I could possibly get rid of  who ever I wanted this week and not get any blood on my hands.

"I think Ramses is a little shady. Megan too." I give him more names.

"So that's your hit list this week?" He asks me again, making sure I was giving him everything I had. I nodded my head and sipped on my ice coffee some more. "It's your HOH though, but I appreciate you hearing my concerns." I tell him. "Listen, I have a lot of respect for you in this game and I really want this alliance to work." He says a little more aggressively.

"So like what are you thinking for nominations?" Paul spoke up and switched the conversation back to Cody. He shrugged his shoulders, "I think I'm just gonna put up a couple floaters, the ones I haven't really spoken to." He grabbed a bottle of water off the floor. Paul and I nodded our heads, "That's a good move to make in the first week." He said a bit quieter. Paul moved his arm around the back of the couch and onto my shoulders, "Sending out the floaters one by one and then we'll figure things out from there."

So when Paul joins Cody and I in the HOH room, there's definitely some tension to say the least. Cody went from being open to making deals and explaining this weeks master plan to barely talking about floaters. I know Cody said he was keeping Paul on the outside of the alliance, but this felt more personal than strategy.

"I'm gonna go to the weight bench," I say getting up and out of the HOH room before it got even more awkward up there. I scurried down the spiral staircase and went to the back bedrooms to change into more work-out-friendly attire. Just as I was pull my shirt over my head, I heard the door open and saw Paul had followed me away from Cody.

"What were you guys talking about before I got there?" He asked quickly. I started to tie up my shoes, "Not much really, he was talking about me joining the alliance and how he thinks we could work well together." I answer him, looking around for the water bottle I had with me last night. 

"I feel like he doesn't trust me as much as he says he does." Paul thought out loud.  shook my head, "Don't get too paranoid, Paul. It won't look good." I rub his shoulders as he sat down next to me on the bed. 

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