Chapter LX: Union

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Days, weeks and months passed in a blur as well as Christmas and New year. And now Sabina was about to received her final and hopefully, her last shot of the intramuscular drug. Then after three weeks, she will have another Trans-vaginal ultrasound to check if everything had normalized.

Sitting nervously on the dark leather chair was Sabina while Timothy sat quietly by her side, it was their turn and they were patiently waiting for Dr. Cher Magno.

Noticing that his wife-to-be was extremely anxious, the young architect reached for her hand. Gently, he squeezed it to gain her attention. "There's nothing to worry about, Sab. Breathe and don't burden yourself with unnecessary worries." He whispered soothingly.

"The thing is, I can't wait any longer Tim. This past month, it felt like nothing is happening. Yes, there were no pain and spasms but there's no positive signs as well." She muttered shakily.

"Everything feels the same!" She added in a frustrated tone.

The gorgeous architect shook his head. "How many times do I have to tell you not to overthink, okay? You heard what Dr. Cher have said during our previous visits, right? So please save your emotions. Stressing yourself will only aggravate your condition." He explained patiently.

In response, Sabina nodded her head and held Timothy's hand tightly. She didn't let go until the lady gynecologist sauntered inside her clinic.

"Hi, how are you Sab? Tim." She readily greeted the couple cordially.

Pleasantries were exchanged and afterwards the doctor checked Sabina's medical record on her laptop.

"Wow! Time really flies. I didn't know that today will be your last shot, Sab." She stated with a smile.

" Three weeks after this shot, we will do another ultrasound procedure. If everything looks good and normal, you two should try for a baby right away. You see Sab, Tim, endometriosis is a recurring condition so we should seize the moment as soon as everything normalizes." Cher Magno started explaining.

"Dr. Cher, what if I don't get pregnant right away?" Came in Sabina's worried question.

The young architect shook his head upon hearing this, Sabina's pessimism was obviously kicking again but he chose to remain silent.

"I will give you four to five months to try Sab but if you didn't get pregnant during those four or five months then we will do another thorough check up and examination again. Not only to you but to Timothy as well, sperm count and the likes." She answered calmly.

"You should get back your menstruation by next month minus the severe pain, of course. And the other adverse effects should also disappear, the dryness, hot flushes and the mood swings." She looked at the younger woman and smiled.

Sabina nodded her head but her heart was beating loud and fast. In her mind she wanted to put everything in fast-forward.

"For now, try to relax. We don't want an extremely stressed out bride, do we Tim?" The gynecologist asked with a teasing smile as she panned her gaze towards the handsome architect.

A chuckle was heard from Timothy as he pulled Sabina closer to him and placed a light kiss on her temple.

Dr. Cher Magno's attempt to lighten the conversation and Timothy's light kiss were proven fruitful. These small gestures earned a small but genuine smile from the gorgeous heiress.

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