Chapter XIII: Silent Collision

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Darcy was a constant visitor in Timothy's office for the last several days. Often times, Timothy would find her sitting inside his office in the mornings and refused to leave until the late afternoons.

As a result, Sabina drifted away from him little by little. She efficiently and quietly did her work but she avoided Timothy as much as possible. After telling him all his schedule for the day, she stayed out of his and Darcy's way. All her messages and reminders which were all work related were relayed through too-formal emails and short-cold-text messages.

All these things made Timothy's week horrible. Dealing with Darcy was bad enough and coupling it with Sabina's silent treatment was hell. All week, he was planning how to get rid of Darcy once and for all so he could set everything straight with Sabina but his efforts remained futile.

The heiress was his friend but she was over stepping her boundaries for the past five days, acting like an extremely possessive girlfriend.

It was Friday late morning when an elegantly dressed Darcy Madrid stepped into his office. She pecked his cheek and without any hesitation, started to clear his table.

"Get ready Tim, I have arranged a wonderful lunch for us." She stated proudly.

Then she grabbed his laptop and dragged it towards her. Timothy saw how the woman brashly turned it off and closed it while murmuring something incoherent. His blood began to boil from the woman's manner.

Darcy then, pressed the tiny intercom button. "De la Vega, cancel all the CEO's appointments and meetings for this afternoon. We are taking the afternoon off." She said snootily while Timothy followed her every move with furious eyes.

"Yes, Miss Madrid." Came Sabina's stiff and short acknowledgement.

Upon hearing Sabina's stiff and distant response, Timothy's blood rushed into his head. "Stop!" He roared. Darcy halted from what she was doing and paled.

"Who are you to order me around ha, Darcy? Who are you to decide for me?" He said viciously while yanking the bunch of papers in the alarmed woman's hand. The whole tension-filled week had now caught him and it made him burn with extreme annoyance.

Darcy looked at the seething man. "But Tim, you need a break. You have been working hard the whole week. You need to breath. I planned a wonderful afternoon for only the two of us." She stammered, trying her best to hold her ground.

Timothy dumped the papers on his desk loudly. "You should have consulted me first before planning on anything. You're well aware that I'm a busy person, Darcy." He countered irritably.

He pressed the intercom button again. "Sab, don't cancel anything. I'm working this afternoon." There was finality in his tone.

Sabina's voice sounded from the communication box. "It's okay, Tim. There are no scheduled appointments or meetings to be cancelled. Your afternoon is free." She said knowingly.

"Good news then." Darcy was thrilled of what she heard. Finally, she will have the alone time she was yearning for, for the longest time. Again, she started to clear Timothy's desk.

But Timothy grabbed her wrist. "Leave those papers alone, I'm staying here at the office and that's final." He uttered between gritted teeth.

The woman's face contorted in rage. "No Tim! Whether you like it or not you will spend the afternoon with me. We haven't had an alone time for so long. It's not healthy anymore." She demanded angrily.

"And who are you to tell me that, Darcy?" The young CEO asked.

"Stop acting like you owned me. You are my friend but I am not committed to you or do I have to remind you now?" He stated threateningly.

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