Chapter XLIX: Shadow

Start from the beginning

"Your abuela is right, Bonita. Eat. You need to eat." Don Luis seconded his mother's observation.

Not wanting to worry her folks, the gorgeous biologist started eating mindfully and after a few moment, she genuinely began to enjoy the food.

Yaya Loring had prepared an all Ilocano feast for the family. Pigar Pigar, Igado, Bagnet, Dinakdakan, Poqui-poqui and of course, Pinakbet.

Heartily, the Dela Vegas ate their dinner, throwing stories here and there to divert Sabina's attention away from her boyfriend.

They may have successfully diverted her attention but this didn't lessen the annoyance she was feeling towards the missing young architect. "Where are you, Sebastain?" She whispered petulantly as everybody was starting to rise, signaling the end of dinner.

The family was on their way to the Veranda when one of yaya Loring's kids materialized in front of them. He was panting hard because of running all the way from outside.

"Señor," He began breathlessly as he addressed the old Tobacco Mogul.

"Shadow, señorita's horse is missing." Jojo annunciated the bad news in between shallow and labored breathing.

Sabina's horrid mood magnified ten folds as she heard the news. "Shadow?" Her voice taking a high pitch.

Hesitantly, the adolescent boy nodded his head. "Yes, señorita." He replied briefly, his eyes flickered at the young young woman and reflected fear.

"What? But how?" With a much higher pitch, Sabina queried again.

"I was about to go check on him for the night but when I got there, the door of the stable was open and Shadow wasn't on his stall. I looked everywhere but I couldn't find him señorita. I'm so sorry señorita." Jojo explained thoroughly, voice slightly quivering from nervousness.

The gorgeous biologist softened at this. "Don't worry Jojo, we will find him. I'm certain about that." She stated to pacify the teenage boy.

The Dela Vega men shared an amazed look. The lad had managed to pull it off without giving Sabina any suspicion.

"I think it would be better if we take a look at it." Anton suggested as he winked at the stable lad.

"Alright, señorito." Jojo immediately replied, still faking an agitated and scared facade.

Everyone change the course of their path including the old clan matriarch. Sabina readily saw this so she opened her mouth. "Abuela, it's kind of dark now. I think it would be better if you stay here. We will be back in a bit. I'm just going to..."

But her words were drowned by Doña Esperanza voice. "No mi amor, I need to see this myself." She replied cryptically.

So hurriedly, both Jacob and Anton flanked their grandmother-- guiding her through the dimly it path towards the Dela Vega's stable while the gorgeous biologist stood watching, a little baffled with everything that was happening.

As the group reached the massive stable, Sabina automatically ran towards Shadow's stall and true enough the horse wasn't there.

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