Thirty: Scorch Smiles

Start from the beginning

Providing none of that happened, she could make it. Actually make it. She could actually reach the Safe Haven today.

She tried not to squeal with excitement, then remembered that nobody could hear her, and did it anyway. She couldn't wait to see the people she'd been thinking about ever since she'd been dragged away from them that fateful night before this all began. Before she'd been shoved into a room with Terriblesa, drugged, and taken to another room full of girls.

She hoped they were okay. Group B was pretty cool, and she'd met some good friends there, even if she had only known them a few days, and complained about being hungry for about 87% of the time she'd known them. She hoped most of them had survived, but she had no way of knowing who did and who didn't- other than Harriet and Sonya, of course- just from her knowledge of the books. She supposed she'd have to wait and see.

She didn't know how she'd handle the news if more of her friends had died.

Her mind flickered back to Chuck. If the others had let him die, she'd be far less than happy. Trace would be furious if Chuck had died while she was away. What would the point have been in saving him if the others went and screwed it up for her?

Though, she knew they wouldn't have. The way Chuck had died in the book and movie was so unexpected. It was a split-second decision. Out in the Scorch, there was more time. Thomas could save him if he needed to, and Thomas would save him if he needed to. Trace trusted Thomas more than she trusted herself sometimes.

By mid-afternoon, Trace had actually covered a lot of distance. The mountains were close now, and she could make out some of the crevices and paths that ran around the side of them. They were actually very beautiful, and if it were a different world, she would have taken a picture, posted it on some social media website with the quote '#blessed', probably followed by '#travel' and '#adventure'. She seriously considered this for a second before deciding she'd caption the image with 'Scorch smiles'. It was perfect.

The whole notion of it brought her mood up again. It was time for another song. An upbeat one, filled with enthusiastic clapping of hands and clicking of fingers. Inspired by gospel.

'Walking for so long

It's time for a new song

Trudging through the dirt

I'm beaten up and hurt

So, although I've walked for miles,

Enduring the Scorch Trials

Without a halt or pause

It's all been for one cause

Something to look forward to

Inspiring me to push through

The thing that makes me smile

-that which makes it all worthwhile

Is the chance to see my friends

Before the story ends'

On the last line, Trace looked up towards the mountains and did a double-take. She would've laughed at herself for it if she hadn't been so distracted by what she'd seen...and still saw.


A figure. Then two. Followed by four more. They just kept coming, appearing through what appeared to be a track on the side of one of the mountains, quite near the base. People.

She was only just close enough to distinguish them. Some were boys. Some were girls. Some short, some tall.

Trace did not want to get her hopes up, but everything about this was screaming 'get your hopes up, now!'. Her instincts told her she knew these people. Very well.

Then one of them stopped. A girl. She stopped and nudged the girl next to her. Then she pointed directly at Trace, who was still a couple of miles away from the base of the mountain.

A boy stopped next and nudged a taller boy next to him. The taller boy stopped in his tracks. Trace swore she could see tension leave his shoulders even with the considerable distance between them. Then the boy started running, navigating his way down the mountain. The first boy who nudged him caught up and put a hand on his shoulder, slowing him down. They walked together, at a quicker pace than before.

And, as they got closer, Trace realised something that would send her hobbling towards the mountains at the fastest speed she could manage.

The taller boy had a limp.

It was him.

It was Newt. Newt and Minho.

She'd finally found Group A and B.

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