Twenty-Three: The Flame

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A/N: Okay, a really short one this time. But I thought this would be more effective as two chapters. Don't forget to listen to the song as you read for the full emotional experience.

Rose collapsed in a heap, flames still flickering across her fallen body, dancing in the dark as if to taunt Trace as she ran. There was no way she was still alive, but Trace had to check. She had to.

As Trace reached the body, another bolt of lightning struck mere metres from her. She paid it no attention; Rose was all that mattered right now and, with a start, Trace realised that that had been true for as long as she'd known the girl. Rose mattered.

Trace knelt down, extinguishing the flames with her bare hands, not caring how they burnt and singed. She screamed at Rose, shaking her, begging her to wake up. Begging her to open her eyes. To be alive.

She knelt there, cradling her burnt body, screaming silently into the night, her voice lost in the bellowing sky around her. She stared down at Rose, unable to believe what she was seeing. Unable to comprehend the horrific world she lived in where something like this could be true.

Rose was dead.

As Trace gazed down at her, droplets of water fell onto the girl's face, as if to douse the flames that were no longer there. It was raining. It must be raining. The rainclouds had arrived now.

But as Trace looked around, she realised that the ground was dry. There was no rain.

Trace was crying.

Another bolt of lightning struck so close that she went flying backwards, really feeling the heat of it along her back this time. She needed to get out of here. Now.

So, choking back a desperate sob, Trace ran. She ran on and on, not daring to look behind her now. She didn't stop running until she'd reached the building and stepped inside, slamming the door shut and seeking refuge in one of the corners. She huddled there, pulling her knees to her chest, staring with wide eyes at the floor in front of her, the tears still falling silently to the ground beside her.

She felt empty. Hollow inside. Rose was gone. She'd lost the girl she called her sister.

All around her, the walls shook and the ground trembled with every bolt of lightning, and all Trace could do was sit and wait. All she could do was picture Rose's figure emerging from that car, hearing her scream in pain, smelling the smoke as it filled the air, watching her lifeless figure fall to the ground.

What had started in a dream had ended in a nightmare.

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