ARKOS: COMPLETED/ (late sorry!!!)Christmas special

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"Sooo Phyrra has anyone asked you to the dance yet?" I asked while my heart feels like it was about to brust through my chest piece.

"Actually no one's asked me out and the guy I like hasn't been picking up the hints I've been leaving for him." Phyrra said slightly saddened but it kinda saddened me too because I knew Phyrra Nikos the champion liked me and that she was dropping hints like crazy, I just wasn't brave enough to say anything until now.

"I'm really surprised about that, I mean who wouldn't want to go to the dance with you! I mean your pretty, nice, honest and the bravest person I know." I said which made Phyrra smile.

"Thanks Jaune but Y/N said you wanted to ask me something?" Phyrra asked head slightly tilted.

"Oh yeah, that. U-Um I was wondering since you aren't going to the dance with anyon- Your not are you?" I cut myself off and Phyrra just shook her head. "Great! I-I mean not great but back to the point. Ahem. Phyrra may I accompany you to the dance this evening?" I asked and Phyrra kissed me on the lips!!!

"Oh Jaune! I thought you would never ask~"

Normal POV...

"Yes! Yang, Weiss 50 lien each as we agreed!" You said looking up from the screen that displayed the scene that unfolded. Also When Y/N told the girls of his plan to make ARKOS official Yang had to make it into a bet, each winner gets 50 lien off the losers. Yang and Weiss doubted the Pilot whereas blake and Ruby had faith in him.

"Man this blows." Yang said taking out three fifties and handing them out, Weiss did the same.

"So who's the lucky guys you four are going to be dragging around the dance floor?" You asked his teammates who all shrugged in response.

"Honestly haven't had time to get a guy lately with the amount of tests Oobleck gives us." Yang said with a sigh.

"I've-" Before Weiss could finish you said something.

"You've been too busy with studying that you cant socialise even with your own team, what about you Rubes?" You asked getting a giggle out of everyone save Weiss,

"W-well guys are scary and I don't know anyone besides you guys and JNPR and CFVY plus I'd rather spend the night with my baby crescent rose!" Ruby said hugging the murder machine.

"Right, What about you blake?" Your question got a shrug in resones along with.

"Most guys are jerks." You nodded in agreement.

"And you Y/N?" Yang asked with a look in her eyes.

"I'm doing maintenance on BT some A-hole cut one of his pipes while Windows was updating." You said reaching under his bed and pulling a tool box out.

"Have fun girls." You said walking out so they can get changed.

In the garage...

"SHOULDNT YOU BE AT THE CHRISTMASS DANCE PILOT?" BT asked while you fed Blizard who was now the height of your legs.

"Well santa's slacking tonight so I'm stepping in for team RWBY." You said pulling out a duffle bag full of lien. "Good ol' dad always had some extra money somewhere."


"Story for another time buddy." You said messing with Blizards fur one more time before leaving for Vale.

A few hours later...

"Okay Cookies for Ruby, Signed Ninjas of love for Blake, A yellow bike helmet with a black dragon on each side for Yang and for Weiss a new dust chemistry set consideting how the other one was a victim of a half awake Ruby." You said to yourself as you walked back to the bullhead you felt as if you were being watched by a strangely familiar aura. You shake off the feeling after a minute and begin the flight back to beacon.

Beaconfall (Rwbyx m pilot reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt