Operation ARKOS: online PT.2

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"OK Jaune, What the hell's been going on?" You asked as you pinned jaune up against a wall with an eerie looking Nora behind you.

"I don't know what your talking about."  Jaune said trying to struggle out of your iron grip but failed miserably.

"Team CRDL, You've been hanging around them lately. Now I'm not one to judge but if I was being bullied by a group of pricks I would either stay the heck away from them or get a friend to break their legs." You said gesturing to Nora who still had a shadow over her eyes.

"I'm-" Jaune started before Cardin bumped into you.

"Hey, leave my pal Jaune alone." The pure cockiness of his voice filled you with...

rage. What you expected determination? Ha fat chance!

"Back off Cardin or you will leave in a fucking body cast." You said with venom in every syllable.

"Ooooohhh I'm so scared!" Cardin said as his team laughed. And with a slight head twitch you disappeared and reappeared in front of the prick and hit him with a flaming fist while freezing his team. You then you froze the area between his legs and before you could shatter his balls you were encased in a purple field.

"fuckberries." (This will be your catchphrase BTW.) You turned your head as much as you could to see a pissed prof. Goodwitch. "He started it!" You managed to raise a finger and pointed it at Cardin.

"And you were about to kick him in the groin after freezing that area?" Goodwitch said.

"Well...I wasn't planning to do this when I woke up but certain events took place and here we are!" You said still suspended in the air.

"Ozpin will know what to do to you." Your combat teacher said walking off with you in tow.

Time skip brought to you by Y/N and Nora planning to break someone's legs.

"So you froze his team." Ozpin started.

"Yes." You replied seated in front of your head master.

"You then hit Cardin onto the ground and froze his groin." Ozpin continued.

"Check." You said sounding bored.

"And you were about to shatter his testical." Ozpin finished looking up from the report.

"That sounds about right." You said with a hand on your chin.

"I don't think you grasp the concept of your situation." Ozpin said flatly.

"Well I merely saw my friend being bullied by a group due to his lack of physical strength and took it as my responsibility to educate the bullies by making them fear something stronger then them." You said casually.

"So your plan was to bully the bullies." Ozpin responded.

"Yes, and I'm prepared to face the punishment for my actions." You said and Ozpin reeled back a bit.

"Well bringing to light this new information I suppose we can let you off with a warning." Ozpin said to which surprised both you miss Goodwitch.

"Thank you sir." You said walking to the mess hall only to see Cardin picking on a Faunus which turned your stomach. You teleported behind the prick. "Hello, Cardin." You said in a voice that sent chills down his back.

"What do you want?"  He asked shaking.

"Well I see you're bullying a faunus with your thugs and a lack of teachers to save you this time" You said as miss goodwitch walked in. "So-" You were cut off by cardin punching you in the jaw. You and miss goodwitch made eye contact before she made a 'go on' gesture.

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