Off to vale

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"STANDBY FOR TITANFALL!" The automated voice said as You called down BT and prepared for a fight with lastamosa.

"You ready pilot?" He asked as you BT hit the ground while you slid under him and embarked.

"As ready as I'll ever be." You said equipping the Tone loadout to try and get a little damage in before he has a chance to react but all hope was smothered when he activated his vortex shield.

"Should've gone with the legion, you might've actually gotten a shot in." The captain bragged as you switched to the rion loadout and rushed at him, this action caught him off guard and you managed to damage his BT.

"And you should've paid attention to your opponent." You said driving a sword through BT's chasse and ending the training.

"Well done (Y/N), you would have made an amazing pilot back in the frontier." Within the seven months you have been 'trapped' in the training sim you learnt all about this world called the frontier which later turned out to be a lot of planets.

"Thank you sir, its been one hell of a roller-coaster." You said disembarking and as soon as your feet touched the ground the world began to glitch and fall apart.

"Guess this is goodbye then, good luck (Y/N)." Lastamosa said before falling apart and you felt yourself being pulled back to reality.

"Gah!" You gasped as you woke up in the almost forgotten sim pod.

"Rise and shine pilot." The voice of Cooper fully brought you back to reality. "See James perfectly fine." Cooper finished gesturing to you while the general shook his head.

"Lets just get the neural link up and running." The general said pulling you out of the pod and handing you a data core for a titan.

"I take it this is for BT." You said examining the blue light.

"Yep now stick it into him." Cooper said and you bit your lip so you didn't laugh at the innuendo. You walked up to your new partner and placing the data core in the empty optical socket.

"TITAN BETA-TANGO 7472 ONLINE." BT said once you hopped his chasse.

"BT, what are your protocols." Cooper asked in a serious tone for a change.

PROTOCOL 1: LINK TO PILOT (Y/N) (L/N). PILOT I RECOMEND EMBARKING AS SOON AS POSSIBLE." BT said as the hatch in his chasse  opened you ran and jumped landing in the chasse before sitting in the seat.

"Ok here we go." You gripping the arm-rest and when the neural link started you had an iron grip on the arm rest.

PROTOCOL  3 PROTECT THE PILOT." BT said as the link finished.

"How do you feel pilot?" Iornwood asked with a smirk.

"I feel fine but I got a strange feeling I wont be in Atlas much longer." You said disembarking from your new partner.

"That is correct you and BT will be shipped out to beacon to protect the students, find our missing paladins and further you education as a hunter." The general said and you saw cooper walking out from a room with a jump-kit very similar to captain Tai's.

"But sir, I already applied for beacon and got rejected." You said as cooper laid the kit on the table.

"Kid as you should know James has friends in high places, so even if you don't want to your going to beacon." Jack said as you walked to the table.

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