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That's right, I'm not done bothering you yet. For the 7 months I've known you, you've never failed to make me laugh + I can always naturally insult you, lmao. Our conversations occur so weirdly because sometimes we're talking nonstop and then we don't for weeks and then once in a blue moon I see you lurking on my page XD. But you are my best friend and I don't want you to ever think I'll stop caring about you. Despite how many times I call you an idiot (you are), I'm never gonna leave you alone :p & you can't get away from me anyway, hehe. Our friendship has been pretty short but I plan on making it last long because you're one of my favorite people. You're the only one who will ever care about the periods at the ends of my sentences, lol, and I'm extremely happy you do. But enough with these inside jokes, you keep being you (aka the guy who's afraid of his hoes XD). Maybe one day I'll visit you bc you most likely live really close to me. Enjoy getting old. HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRANDPA!¡


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