"I guess." Veronica said.

"Thanks." Scar walked over to Ana and stroked her cheek. She bent over and whispered something to her. She looked at Veronica and bite her lip, "Can we talk? One on one?"

"Why would I want to do that?" My wife asked.

"I just wanna talk." Scar said.

"You have 10 minutes." Veronica said, moving away from me to walk out the door. Scarlet followed her out and I smiled and shook my head again before walking over to my daughter.

"Hey Ana, ready for your daily report? Right now it's super cloudy outside and about 78 degrees. It's supposed to rain tonight so make sure you listen to the rain alright? Right now it's about 3:30 so your brothers will be here any minute now to tell you about their day. At school there were two fights. One of them were between Sabrina and Serena of course. The other was between two boys in 9th grade. They had loaded nachos for lunch today, I heard they were good. We got a package in the mail yesterday, it's more of your art supplies. I think it was the acrylic paint set you wanted. When you wake up and we can take you home, you can paint your heart away. Maybe show us where you are right now. Where you've been since we last got to see you awake. I love you baby girl." I kissed the top of her head and smiled as the boys ran in.

Right on time.

"I'm first!" Kayden yelled.

"You went first yesterday!" Jayden said.

"How old are you two?" I asked them.

"16." They grumbled.

"Act it. You're in a hospital. Now, I'm thinking of a number 1-20 what is it?" I asked.

"19!" Kayden said, "My football number of course."

"No it's 13. Ana's soccer number." Jayden said.

"Jayden goes first. It was 15." I said.

"Yes!" He yelled, running to the bed, "Hey Sis, it's time for The Daily Update with Jammin' Jayden. Today in the tenth grade we had three tests and I'm 95% sure I bombed them all while I'm 99.9% sure Kayden scored 100 because he's smart as hell. Gotta leave room for doubt, you know? Uhm we have a football game next Wednesday and another one on Friday as well. We're gonna win, the opposing teams suck. Scarlet and Jayden are still fighting, and now they're bringing Rowen into it too. Momma is still mad at Scar, but I'm sure she's told you that. Okay Jayden out."

I smiled as Jayden walked away from his sister after giving her a hug. Kayden ran a hand through his hair and then walked up to his sister, "Thanks Jammin Jayden. Now it's time for Ana's favorite time of the day. The daily update with Kool Kayden. Mom made us waffles today for breakfast and they were super good. I even added a shit ton of whip cream to mine. Then on the way to school, Jayden almost ran a red light because he was checking out some 'totally hot guy.' Like my Jayden impression? Impressive huh? But I was all like 'Jayden red means stop!' And he slammed on the breaks and thank god for seat belts because I would have been out the window, flying like an astronaut. But yeah I'm single again, the bitch cheated on me and you know what, screw girls. I'm going gay. No I'm not because I can't do guys. I leave that to Jayden. Although there was this really cute guy at the register the other day and he was so flirting with me. Do you think I'd be like a flamboyant gay guy? Sometimes I think I would be."

I stopped listening to Kayden, knowing he would talk to Ana for half an hour before he finally stopped. He missed his big sister, she's the only thing protecting him from Jayden. Veronica and Scarlet walked back in so I walked over to my wife to find out what they had talked about.

"What was that all about?" I asked.

"She just wanted to explain her side of the story. I'll leave it to Ana to see if she can be allowed back into the Chambers family." Veronica said.

"Stop holding a grudge. They're kids. They're gonna make mistakes and venture away from each other. Scar may be Ana's first love but that doesn't mean that they are gonna stay together forever. Maybe they just weren't meant to be." I shrugged.

"With all of the times Scar has hurt Ana, I hope they aren't meant to be. Friends, sure. But lovers? Hell no." She said.

"Only Ana can tell." I said, wrapping my arms around her neck and hugging her. I felt her arms wrap around my waist and I hid my face in her neck.

"I know." She sighed and kissed my head, "I just hope she uses her head and not just her heart this time."

"We raised her right, babe. She'll be smart about it this time." I said.

"I know she will. I just hope Scar isn't in her future." She said.

I was about to reply but before I could Kayden started screaming. We ran over to the bed to see what was wrong and had the biggest shock of our lives.

Ana's eyes were open.

She was awake.

A/N: I know it's short and I'm sorry. I'm trying really hard to pick writing back up but it's harder then I thought it would be. It's not edited, do I still have to say this? But I'm gonna work on the next update soon. Are you for Scar and Ana or do you want to see Ana with someone else? Until next time.

The Sky's The Limit (Gxg)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora